entrepreneur ride

Entrepreneurs: These Habits Are Hurting Your Training

By Chris Carmichael CEO/Head Coach of CTS Entrepreneurs are a different breed. They’re the risk takers and visionaries, the people who create opportunities by finding ways to fulfill needs unmet by current products or services. They’re driven and ambitious, often willing to work hard for little or no instant gratification, yet confident in the long-term …

triathlon transition

Triathlon Tips for Stress-less Transition Setup

Tips for Stress-less Triathlon Transition Setup By Paul Ruggiero It’s full of nervous athletes. It’s a cornucopia of chaos. A beehive of activity. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. OK, it’s not quite Mos Eisely Space Port, but you get my drift. A triathlon transition area is where nervous …

cycling nutrition

Cycling Nutrition: What to Eat and Drink During Bike Rides of Any Length

When you ask a group of cyclists what they eat and drink on rides, you’ll get almost as many answers as there are riders in the group. Everyone fuels rides a little differently, which is perfectly normal. Cycling nutrition and hydration are not one size fits all. However there are some key principles cyclists should …