Jason Hardrath Journey to 100 podcast episode

Journey To 100 With Jason Hardrath

Topics Covered In This Episode: Jason climbed 100 peaks for his 100th FKT: the Washington Bulgers (100 highest peaks in Washington State) How to approach daunting challenges Tactics for staying in the moment Dealing with unpredictability and low points Behind the story of the upcoming film Journey to 100 Guest Bio: Jason Hardrath is an …

zone 2 cycling

Zone 2 Training to Improve Aerobic Endurance and Fat Burning

Low intensity rides are a critical component of any cyclist’s training plan, even plans that also feature high-intensity interval workouts. These easier rides go by a number of different names, including ‘aerobic endurance’, ‘Zone 2’, ‘base miles’, and ‘LSD’ or Long Slow Distance. In CTS terminology, we refer to them as EnduranceMiles. Many athletes – …

TrainRight Podcast Episode Images Kolie QA

How Much Can I Increase FTP, Training Zones, RPE, Wearable Tech, And More

Topics Covered In This Episode: How much can you increase your FTP in one season Rate of perceived exertion Why do we have training zones Should you use wearable technology like Whoop or Oura Ring Nils van der Poel: thoughts on his training methodology Guest Bio: Kolie Moore coaches professional, elite, and amateur athletes of …

lactate threshold

What is Lactate Threshold and How Do Cyclists Train It?

One of the first goals any athlete mentions to me is to improve lactate threshold (LT), although they might use a proxy for it – Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Those terms are often used interchangeably because power at LT and FTP are typically very close. Both indicate maximal sustainable power. Specifically, that means the effort …

FASTR program podcast episode

FASTR: Closing The Gender Gap In Sports Science Research

Topics Covered In This Episode: What is FASTR? Early identification and interventions to prevent injury and identify ways to optimize performance in female athletes How the research from the FASTR program will apply to athletes, coaches, and parents of young athletes Guests: Our guests today are Dr. Megan Roche and Dr. Emily Kraus. Dr. Roche …

bad workout

What to Do After a Bad Workout

Some workouts just don’t go like you planned. Maybe you visualized pushing the pace at the front of the group ride, or crushing that set of intervals, or spinning along smoothly for hours on end. Instead, you felt sluggish, like you were pedaling squares, or like you couldn’t get out of your own way. Crappy …

season planning

Alison Tetrick: Season Planning in Uncertain Times

By Alison Tetrick, Pro cyclist, Entrepreneur, CTS Contributing Editor Your sights are honed. You have your target in mind. You’re laser focused. You start dialing in your objective. I just hope it isn’t on Bambi. (Whoever put their sights on that baby deer traumatized an entire generation.) As another cycling season gets rolling, there are …