perceived exertion image of Cliff Pittman running rocky terrain

Perceived Exertion: How To Run And Train By Feel

  By Cliff Pittman, CTS Senior Coach & CTS Coaching Development Director Technology continues to profoundly impact training methods across the spectrum of endurance sports. However, a stubbornly low-tech assessment of effort and exercise intensity stands the test of time. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) is about as simple as it gets: “On a scale …

wearable device on an athlete arm

New Study Reveals Holes in Wearable Device Scores

  By Frederic Sabater Pastor, CTS Expert Coach, Associate Researcher at University of Perpignan Via Domitia In recent years the market has seen an influx of new companies creating wearable devices to measure sleep, recovery, breathing, blood glucose, blood oxygen, and more. They are developing innovative products and algorithms, and doing some fantastic marketing. Athletes …

coach won't do

6 Things This Coach Won’t Do

  By Sarah Scozzaro, CTS Ultrarunning Pro Coach In my nearly 20 years of coaching, including more than a decade coaching ultramarathon runners, I have evolved as a professional. There are many ways to work as a coach, and I’ve made certain decisions to align my practice with my values and my approach to athlete …


Success Strategies for Non Goal-Oriented Athletes

  By Darcie Murphy, CTS Ultrarunning Pro Coach Here’s my unpopular response to the “New Year, New You” voices: It’s okay to not be a goal-setter. If you have been living under a boulder, then maybe you’re unaware we’re expected to have goals for the New Year. And not just for athletic objectives, but also …

training boosters

Best Training Boosters for 2024

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“ and “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” There are no shortcuts to superior fitness, but there are ways to leverage the fundamentals to boost the effectiveness of training. If you have set ambitious goals for this year – and we hope that’s exactly what you’ve done – then …

indoor cycling mistakes

Top 6 Indoor Cycling Mistakes to Avoid or Fix

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“ and “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” There’s never been a better time to ride a bicycle indoors. That doesn’t mean you can’t also enjoy – or even prefer – riding outside, but there’s no denying that the options available for indoor cycling have never been better. Whether …

ultrarunning training tips

Jason Koop’s Top 3 Most Effective Ultramarathon Training Tips

This past week I completed my 45th trip around the sun. As usual, I ran my age in miles, which becomes more of an ordeal with each passing year. It also gives me a lot of time to think about what categorically has worked with athletes over 2-plus decades as a professional coach. Below are …


Beta-Alanine for Endurance and Time-Crunched Cyclists

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, Co-author, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” Beta-alanine is a workout supplement that promises to reduce fatigue and increase exercise capacity. It is very popular with athletes who engage in short bouts of intense exercise (e.g., Crossfit, strength training, sprinting) but not as commonly used by endurance cyclists. Would supplementing with …