protein and recovery drinks

Myths about Post-Workout Protein and Recovery Drinks

    By Chris Carmichael and Jim Rutberg (updated March 2024) Reviewed by Stephanie Howe, PhD (March 2024) Myths abound in all areas of training and nutrition. There are many misconceptions about the role of protein in recovery, the amount of protein endurance athletes need, and when to use specific recovery drinks. Here are a …

vegan athlete

Yes, Vegan Athletes Can Meet Elevated Protein Requirements. Here’s How.

  By Adam Ferdinandson, CTS Expert Coach Reviewed by Stephanie Howe, PhD “But how do you get enough protein?” This is something all plant-based folks have heard from coworkers, relatives, and others who feel the need to add their two-cents about dietary choices. As annoying as it may seem, the concern is valid. Consuming adequate protein …

protein podcast

Ultraendurance-Specific Guide to Protein

Topics Covered In This Episode: What you need to know about protein How much protein athletes need daily Why ultradistance athletes should ingest protein DURING runs and races Purposes and recommendations for post-workout protein intake Importance of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) for endurance athletes Food sources of leucine HOST Corrine Malcolm has been a …

UTMB preparation with Katie Schide

How CTS Coaches Prepare Athletes for the Unique Demands of UTMB

    By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Author of “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” More than 40 CTS Athletes are gathering in the Chamonix for the 2024 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) races, including the entire elite women’s podium from Western States: Katie Schide, Fuzhao Xiang, and Eszter Csillag. I have attended UTMB multiple times …

Fred Schmid, Tracey Drews, and Camilla Buchanan 2024 Masters National Championships

What We Know About Coaching Athletes After 50

    By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” Athletes over 50 years old know they face different physical challenges compared to younger athletes. As perhaps the largest endurance coaching company that works one-on-one with athletes, CTS has extensive experience coaching athletes between the ages …

maximum aerobic capacity in older athletes

Why VO2 max Declines in Older Athletes (and what you can do about it)

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist”, and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” Maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 max) declines with age, but what causes capacity to drop? Aging athletes want to stay fit, vital, and active for the rest of their lives. So what, if anything, can you do to …

How She Did It: Katie Schide’s Western States Winning Formula

  By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning, Author of “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning, 2nd Ed” Part 1: Inside the High-Performance Team Now that the dust has settled after the 2024 Western States Endurance Run (WSER), I’ve been humbled by the outpouring of congratulations and gratitude from friends, family, colleagues, and of course, athletes. …