stretching for cyclists

Best Stretches for Cyclists


By Chris Carmichael
CEO/Head Coach of CTS

I always try to reduce the number of components or tasks in a cyclist’s workouts. I’d rather you do a few things very well than a bunch of things not so well. This means I keep warm ups simple, prescribe easy-to-execute (but sometimes very strenuous) interval sets, and keep strength routines short. Fewer tasks also increases the chances you’ll actually do all of them! In keeping with this philosophy, I recommend 5 simple stretches when you get off the bike.

Why stretch at all?

I remember NFL Hall of Fame tight end Shannon Sharpe telling me he didn’t stretch before practices or games. He joked that you don’t see cheetahs and lions on the savannah asking the gazelle to wait a second while they stretch and warm up. And indeed, in running and power sports, static stretching prior to exercise can limit performance. Muscles and tendons that are tight are effectively stiffer springs, which are more beneficial for some runners and power athletes.

Cycling is somewhat problematic in the way it utilizes muscles. In many forms of weight-supported exercise you generate force both as the muscle is shortening (concentric contraction) and as it is lengthening (eccentric contraction). Cyclists primarily produce force only as muscles are shortening. In addition, the pedal stroke doesn’t use the complete range of motion of the hip, knee, or ankle. And the forward-leaning cycling position encourages shortening of hip flexors and tightening of chest muscles.

When I consider whether cyclists should stretch, I come at it from the range of motion perspective, because cyclists who stretch to preserve greater range of motion through the hips, knees, and lower back have less cycling-associated pain and are more able to maintain effective cycling positions on the bike.

Stretch After or Before?

I recommend a dynamic warm up at the beginning of your cycling session and recommend the following stretches only to be done after your ride. If the point of stretching were to elongate muscles to improve acute training performance, then it would make sense to do them at the beginning of the workout. In my view, the stretches below are more valuable for the long-term process of developing and maintaining range of motion through the hips and knees primarily, and a bit for the chest/back.

The Post-Ride Stretches for Cyclists

Kneeling Lunge

For: Hip flexors and Psoas
Due to the forward-leaning position on the bike, cyclists are prone to tight hip flexors because the muscles are almost always in a shortened position while you’re riding. Some of the lower back pain cyclists experience off the bike is caused by tight hip flexors, particularly the deep-seated psoas, pulling forward and down on the lumbar vertebrae. Consistently stretching these muscles at the end of a ride is a good way to counteract some of the chronic shortening of the hip flexors.

The kneeling lunge is a good psoas and hip flexor stretch because your weight is supported and you can easily control the depth of the stretch. Kneel down on one knee, with your forward knee at 90 degrees and your back straight so there’s a straight line from the knee on the ground up through your hip and shoulder. Tuck your pelvis under you (neutral or posterior pelvic tilt) and gently push your hips forward as you lean into your forward knee. Keep your back straight, without leaning forward or arching your back. Hold for 20 seconds.

You can add a quadriceps stretch to this position by lifting your back foot off the ground toward your buttocks.

Supine Piriformis Stretch

For: Piriformis/Glutes
Cycling can be a pain in the butt, and that is often due to tightness in the medial glutes and piriformis. Both are important for external rotation of the hip, and in cycling their purpose is to help keep your thigh moving straight up and down. When the piriformis is tight or inflamed, it can irritate the sciatic nerve, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness that can affect the buttocks, leg, and foot.

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There are a number of ways to stretch the piriformis and medial glutes. I recommend the supine piriformis stretch (lying on your back) particularly because your back is supported on the ground and it’s easier for people to maintain a neutral spine. I like the Pigeon Pose or Pigeon Stretch, but find many athletes arch their backs and hyperextend their spines trying to get a deeper piriformis stretch.

To do the supine piriformis stretch, lay on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Raise your right leg and rest the outside of your ankle on your left thigh. For some athletes this alone will be a good stretch to the outside of the right buttocks and right piriformis. Reach your hands around your left thigh and, keeping your back pressed to the floor, bring your left leg toward your chest, resulting in a greater stretch through the right buttocks. Repeat with other leg.

Doorway Hamstring Stretch

For: Hamstring
To stretch the hamstrings, I prefer a stretch that doesn’t require a lot of forward flexion of the spine (like standing and touching your toes or even a seated hurdler stretch). For the Doorway Hamstring Stretch, you lay on your back with one leg straight up on the wall/door jamb and the other straight on the floor through the doorway. Scoot your hips toward the doorway to increase the stretch, aiming to get your bottom all the way to the wall (eventually).

Bent Arm Doorway Stretch

For: Chest
While lower body range of motion is my primary concern for cyclists, some upper body stretches are useful as well. The forward cycling position often leads cyclists to have tight chest and anterior shoulder muscles and hence roll their shoulders forward. This is a lot of the reason I recommend strengthening exercises for the upper back, to help balance out this posture. A good post-ride stretch is simply to stand in a doorway with your right arm out to the side, hand up (like you’re waving hello to someone) against the wall. Gently push your body forward through the doorway, keeping your back straight. Don’t lean forward at the waist to initiate the stretch, move forward instead. Repeat with your left arm.

Kitchen Sink Stretch 

For: latissimus dorsi, back, decompression
The last stretch I recommend is one you can do while you’re waiting for your post-ride meal to heat up or the blender to do its job. Stand in front of the kitchen sink or a counter you can hold onto, with your feet 2-3 feet from the edge. Hold on to the sink, lower your hips into a squat so your back and arms form a straight line and your arms are by your ears. Lengthen your body by moving your hips back away from the sink and feel the stretch through the length of your back. Hold for 10 seconds, rest and repeat.

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Comments 27

  1. Pingback: Best Stretches for Cyclists - eBikeAI

  2. Pingback: 12 Ways for 50+ Cyclists to Create Your Best Season Yet - CTS

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  4. Pingback: Top 5 Reasons Cyclists Fail to Reach Fitness Goals - CTS

  5. Pingback: Here's what to do if bicycle commuting is giving you a sore lower back | Momentum Mag

  6. Regarding the lack of visuals for some of the stretches listed, highlight the name of the stretch, right click, search Google, voila – lots of visual data put with the verbiage.

  7. Cycling is a perfect activity to train your muscles. With cycling, you can work your lower body and core. Your glutes, hamstrings, shins, and quads will instantly be activated and working.

  8. Here is also a great article about stretching the hip flexors

  9. These are OK but I would recommend a more full body approach, particularly Mobility WOD. I discovered this as a means to get comfortable on my TT bike and the 10 minute per day workouts it takes me through have transformed my quality of life. I feel
    better at near 60 than I have for 30 years.

  10. The exercises to which Nancy-the-PT is referring in her comment are used in the McKenzie Method (google). After years of back pain off the bike (but never on), I started doing those exercises. Fixed me right up. I did stretches for years, didn’t realize I was doing it wrong.

    1. I totally agree with your comment about McKenzie! The best thing I did a couple years ago was to switch doctors and physical therapists who quickly turned my life around with McKenzie exercises (which ironically my previous providers specifically told me not to do).

  11. I had been a ballet dancer and long-time yoga practitioner before becoming a cyclist and learned the hard way (through injuries) how static stretching before a ride or bike workout is not a good idea. The stretches listed above are fantastic. I’d add quad stretches to the list as well.

    As for back pain- which some have mentioned above to be an issue- stretches are helpful, but even more helpful are daily core exercises. It is the only thing that keeps me pain-free after years of yoga and back pain from degenerated discs in my lumbar spine. 10-15 min a day is all it takes.

    1. second the core comment. it took me about 6 months before i started feeling the positive effects of core exercises, but it’s been pretty clear sailing for the last 5 years. i do 30-45 mins 2x week at the gym. all it takes.

  12. As a PT, I have treated cyclist the most for back problems. Bulging discs have been the #1 reason so far. With that in mind I would recommend all cyclists do some form of back extension after they get off the bike to return their lumbar lordosis from the bent over position of riding. This can be as simple as doing some standing back bends or lying on the ground and doing a press-up (hips stay down and lift only your upper body toward the sky), cobra, or upward dog poses. These all help keep the back happy after all the time bent over in the riding position.

    1. Great advice Nancy! Those back extensions have been the core (pardon the pun) of my recovery and management of pain from severe stenosis.

  13. Hello Chris. Gables High ‘78 Graduate here. Did PBP in 1999 and 2003 and BMB in 2002.

    Great info provided. Thanks.

    Go Cavs!!!

  14. Hi, Chris! As a yoga instructor and private fitness coach I can get behind this article 100%! Great info. I’d be happy to take pics of each of these and send them to you for future use!

  15. I’m a visual learner and frankly can’t understand the poses described; especially the last one is very confusing. Thanks but it’s not useful for people like me.

  16. Good article and stretches Chris. I might add that for the Supine Piriformis stretch to keep the sacrum and tailbone flat to the floor so that it doesn’t curl up. This helps to maintain integrity in the SI joint and avoids overstretching/cranking through the hip. You continue to provide sound, helpful content. Awesome stuff!

  17. Hello. Great info, but could you include a picture of each? It’s hard for me to visualize the position of the body in each stretch excercise. Thanks.

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