Erin50miler 1 scaled

It’s an honor and a…

Erin50miler 1

It’s an honor and a privilege to work with someone of Andy Jones-Wilkin’s stature. He has been around ultrarunning for a long time, has finished at the very front of the pack at some of the most prestigious ultras but enjoys the back-of-the-packers just as much. He’s kind, humble, sincere and a great advocate for the sport. He’s quick to laugh and I love a coach (or anyone) with a good sense of humor. AJW is good for the sport. His love of the sport is infectious and that helped encourage me to reach for greater challenges like the 50-miler and soon 100-miler. He’s quick to respond, and make adjustments when life gets in the way. The training he provided me as well as the personal communication helped me to run my first 50-miler with no issues. I I had a great day and was amazed that the training helped prepare me to actually run almost the entire 50-miles. I’ve run all my life but that was a revelation. It made me feel like anything was possible!

Erin Quinn

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