Fantastic Coach

I hired a coach to add some variety to my workouts and make the most of the time I could dedicate over the course of a week. Ryne was fantastic at both keeping things fresh with purpose while building a schedule with enough flexibility to adapt if life suddenly got in the way. He is very easy to talk to over the phone and quick to respond to text messages with questions that popped up on occasion. I also really appreciated him really digging in after I had a bad race to understand why things went wrong and revamped my entire training plan leading up to my next race to ensure we addressed some of the issues I had. The result was me walking into my next race full of confidence and successfully finishing. The only reason I am currently stopping coaching is that my wife and I are welcoming our first child very soon and I simply cannot dedicate the same time to my running. If I end up hiring a coach again at some point in the future, I have no doubt that I’ll be reaching out to Ryne again!

André LeFebvre

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