Catalan El Jefe Knows Best

El Jefe or fearless leader as I know him has gone above and beyond my plan. I signed up for the cheapest one as funds are tight and I live in Indonesia. He has gone out of his way countless times( I’v been wearing 5 fingers for years like a dirty hippie I feel Koop’s eyes rolling). When I told Frederic that and my hippie shoes he didn’t flinch and just said if that’s what you want we will work with that.

He responds promptly and we chat regularly, and with great insights. He lets me do what I feel is right for me with great guidance and has worked around all different issues with terrain my lifestyle living in a small village in , Bali that barely has roads.

I will use his technique in my own coaching for swimming and freediving and hope that he gets the recognition he deserves as he is an amazing human and ya just a good dude that is there to help and what more coaches need to do, listen. He truly has changed me as an athlete and a coach/ teacher.

Teagan Kane

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