IMG 2926 scaled

Better than I could have imagined

IMG 2926

Working with Coach Ryne has not only changed how I perform as an athlete, but how I approach the sport. Ryne quickly understood how much I appreciated the why behind things and takes time to explain things to me in an easy to understand way. One of my favorite things about Ryne is that it’s people first. I’ve been in the middle of Helen devastation and his compassion and support during this time has been invaluable. I thought that I would’ve wanted to put a pause on coaching as I was also at the end of a training cycle – but the encouragement and support has enriched my running through this devastation.

Oh, and I got my BQ on the first try with his support. After 38 years of running for fun I’m now running to keep my body and brain in the best shape I can. The best investment/indulgence I’ve ever done.

Kate Birthright

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