Awesome working with Bri

Bri has helped me train out of ingrained workout habits and move towards exactly the goals I wanted. Now planning 2025 with her and it’s super fun. She is super positive, thinks about all the aspects of running and training and truly adds experience that I do not/would not have as a solo athlete/self-coaching. She always seeks feedback and has helped me learn what feedback helps her to help me improve the most eg on weight workouts, nutrition approaches etc. She seeks to have me learn great new habits and has already helped me become much stronger and more efficient in my workouts, helping me go from prehab into strength and weights and now into more advanced strength workouts as well as helping me not only train for my first 100 miler and have races along the way (including being accomodating to and helping me to make tradeoffs eg when sick or when I changed goal races mid-year due to personal scheduling/location). When Javelina weather changed close to the race she helped me with additional training, adapted the heat training. Was amazing that she crewed at Javelina and helped me thru challenges at that race on every loop!

Cameron Tully-Smith

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