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I wasn’t sure about how a coach would help me at first. I’m not an elite runner and I don’t train full-time. However, I do enjoy running/racing and while my training had some structure, I guessed it could be better. Hiring Sarah took things to a much better place. Taking out the randomness of my running program and having a professional coach listen to my goals and then tailor a training plan to not only suit those goals, but also work with my specific capabilities has been remarkable. Sarah’s positive attitude, attention to detail, thorough commentary to all my questions, inquisitive and thoughtful questions of me, and just her constant support of my goals has been remarkable. She is easy to talk to, quick to respond, usually has an idea or two in her pocket, but is also willing to research the answer if oddball questions come up. The quality of my training has improved dramatically and having Sarah on my team has already proven race beneficial as well.

Brian Gamble

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