Press Release: CTS – Santa Ynez Training Center Opening June 27, 2011 in California

Written by:

Jim Rutberg

CTS Pro Cycling Coach
Updated On
March 6, 2025

For Immediate Release:

From:  Carmichael Training Systems
           600 S. 21st Street
           Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Re: Santa Ynez Regional Training Center, Opening June 27, 2011

Date:  June 2, 2011

Carmichael Training Systems will be opening the new Santa Ynez regional training center on the central coast of California on June 27, 2011! CTS will be hosting a number of cycling and triathlon training camps out of the new Santa Ynez center in 2011. The new facility will also be equipped to conduct physiological testing and 3D dynamic bike fits, and our professional coaches will be heavily involved in the local cycling and triathlon scene.

“The central coast of California is not only a beautiful destination for any event but it’s also a fantastic place to conduct cycling and triathlon training camps throughout the year,” said Chris Carmichael, CEO of Carmichael Training Systems. “The local terrain allows many different types of training opportunities. You can climb steep canyon roads for days to sharpen your top-end fitness or stay along the scenic coast for miles of foundation work. The training opportunities are virtually endless which is why so many of the top pros live and train in this area.”

The 2011 camp schedule for the Santa Ynez facility starts with a Cycling Climbing Camp, July 6-9 and proceeds with a special Ironman Kona Prep Camp for triathletes who earned lottery entries into Ironman World Championships in Kona Hawaii. This triathlon camp, from August 4-7, will take advantage of the Santa Ynez region’s valley roads, convenient ocean access, and the summer heat. Heading into the fall, the Santa Ynez center will travel north to host a reconnaissance camp on the course of the King Ridge Gran Fondo and hold a Harvest Cycling Camp in September to coincide with harvest time at local wineries. In October they will host a Cyclocross Training Camp. Exact dates for these camps will be available soon.

Santa Ynez is Carmichael’s fourth regional location. The company also has training facilities in Colorado Springs, CO; Tucson, AZ; and Asheville, NC. Since 2000, Carmichael Training Systems has been the premier destination for coaching, training camps, and performance testing. Founded by Olympian and 1999 US Olympic Committee Coach of the Year, Chris Carmichael, CTS delivers world-class personal coaching services to athletes of all abilities, across the complete spectrum of endurance sports.

For more information on the on the Santa Ynez regional training facility or any 2011 training camps or coaching opportunities call our athlete services department at 866-355-0645 or visit

Media Contact: Jim Rutberg: 719-635-0645 x118 or Email Here