Carmichael smile arm warmers

Can You Complete the CTS 15-Hour Challenge?


I want to finish 2017 on a high note, and to do that I need some extra motivation. So I’m issuing a challenge for myself and for you:

Complete 15 hours of training from Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Challenge Rules

We’re going to keep this really simple: there are no rules. Any activity counts, so if you want to ride a bicycle for 15 hours, go for it. If you want to mix it up and do eight hours of running and seven hours in the gym, that’ll work. Skiing or snowshoeing during your winter holiday? That counts, too.

Why 15 Hours?

Consistency and variety are why this challenge is based around time and not mileage or calories. For one thing, athletes working with CTS and reading this blog participate in a wide range of sports. This isn’t going out to just cyclists, or triathletes, or ultrarunners. And along with the variety of sports, many of you incorporate more than one type of exercise into your active lifestyle. As I’ve written about before, generalized fitness becomes increasingly important as we get older and actually helps older athletes improve sport-specific performance.

What Do You Get?

There is no physical prize, virtual badge, or contest. There’s no need to prove to me you completed the challenge, although I’d love to see images/updates on social media tagged #GettingMy15Hours. This challenge is all about intrinsic motivation. You’re doing this for you, just like I’m doing it because the process of training makes me feel good.

How I’m Going to Get My 15 Hours

I can tell you I’m not going to spend 15 hours on my bike between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Not only is it going to be cold in Colorado Springs this week, but I’m also coaching at a camp the first week of January and need to be well rested going into it. So, to get my 15 hours of exercise I’m planning on riding eight hours, hiking five hours, and using the remaining two hours for strength training sessions.

CTS Feats of Strength Update

Part of the two hours I plan on devoting to strength training includes time doing Low Planks. As you might remember, the CTS 2017 Feats of Strength contest is a nationwide competition for CTS Coaches and Staff, and the winning CTS Training Center will be the one with the highest per capita time spent holding the Low Plank position. Because the Feats of Strength Rules Committee decided planking time only counts during business hours on days our offices are open, there are only two more days (December 27 and 28) I can add to my official tally.

With only two days left in the contest, CTS Brevard is leading with 955 total minutes from 11 coaches, or 86.8 minutes-per-person. Yes, I recognize this technically means nearly 87 minutes of time per person spent planking instead of working during business hours. As the CEO I’m okay with that because healthy challenges and competitions are part of the company’s culture, and my employees are stronger, more fit, and more prepared for their physically demanding jobs because of it.

Free Cycling Training Assessment Quiz

Take our free 2-minute quiz to discover how effective your training is and get recommendations for how you can improve.

For the record, I have recorded 87 minutes in plank position this month. That’s not too bad, but it pales in comparison to some of my coaches. Jason Koop is the individual leader with 202 minutes so far, and 12 coaches have recorded more than 100 minutes each!

From everyone at CTS, we wish you the best for the Holidays!

Chris Carmichael
CEO and Head Coach of CTS

FREE Mini-Course: Learn How to Maximize Your Limited Training Time

Learn step-by-step how to overcome limited training time and get faster. Walk away with a personalized plan to increase your performance.

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Comments 27

  1. Seeing as I’m the guy in the picture in the green stripes behind Chris’ smiling face (suffering, I might add), I took it as a personal challenge. It was hard to get it all in, and it wasn’t pretty most of the time (trainer and nasty weather), but I did it, and all on the bike!

  2. How do you total the time with alpine skiing? Run strava on the iphone and subtract the lift rides, lunch & the unlikely MT lift line?

  3. Great motivation to finish out the year! It’ll be challenging with my travel schedule but it’s doable. Plus I’ve got 55 minutes of planks in which is definitely the most ever for me. Thanks CTS for the challenging ideas.

  4. I’m in. I have several hours on the Velodrome booked for next week to complete my 2017 km challenge and at least two workouts in the gym.

  5. I’m in too!

    I really appreciate the creative ideas you come up with Chris!

    I’d also like to thank you, my coach Jane Marshall,the coaches from the California Coast ride and the Mt Fig Gran Fondo VIP Camp for and incredible 2017 cycling year!!!

    Happy Holidays to all,

  6. Im definetly up for the challenge! I’ll try to put as much hiking hours in and get back to some trail running; even though I hung up my Hoka’s for the Michigan winter season!
    I wish the first major snowfall of this year didn’t all melt away. I had so much fun snowshoeing and cross country skiing in 8-10 inches of snow before a 40 degree warmup came and took it all away!
    I could have accomplished the 15 hour challenge, no problemo!

  7. I usually get 2 hours a day in between riding, lifting and running. But to make the last 2-3 hours I’ll be using a 5lb fork for all my meals. Building those “guns”

  8. Thank you for the challenge! After a prolonged injury that caused me to be off the bike, i needed this to kick off 2018 the right way! #gettingmy15hours

  9. Will try finish the 15 hr challenge with biking strength running and cv skiing Live Muskoka Canada and am 70 years old Trying to train for a 90 k ultra marathon in 2019 and need a very solid base build up in 2018 Merry Christmas

  10. I am including cleaning the townhome up, for friends to visit, as a physical activity. I am also riding and doing yoga and walking some! I usually get 5-6 hours a week of riding in this time of year so I should make the grade:) Need to lay off beer some and not watch every college football bowl….thanks for the challenge Chris and everyone have a safe and happy holiday season!

  11. Hey that’s cool well I just ran 23.kms 25mins in the gym weights training, so hope to go out with a huge high for 2017… do not need to be motivated as such cause my training helps me to eat what I want!!!
    And besides I am training for the World Championship Duathlon in Denmark I am presently waiting for the yes your nominated… long wait till April 25th!!
    Wish me luck !!

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