missed workout

What Runners Should Do If You Miss A Day or A Week of Training

  Athletes miss training sometimes. They get sick, something comes up at work, there’s a family emergency, or any of life’s innumerable curveball. Reducing the number of training session you miss goes a long way toward reaching new heights in fitness and performance. This type of consistency has been key to safely increasing training workload …

bri boley ultrarunning coach

How and Why to Run More This Week, This Year, and This Lifetime

“How do I become a better runner?” In the days of the internet and social media influencers, that question has a million answers, many of which contradict each other. Filtering information down to what’s supported by science and experience is one of the leading reasons athletes cite for hiring a coach. They want to know …

how long should your longest run be

How Long Should Your Longest Run Be Before An Ultramarathon?

When I give training talks, I can inevitably count on being asked, “How long should my longest run be?” When I get this question, I usually retort with, “Why do you need a long run?” Silence ensues. The silence stems from the fact runners rarely think about why they need a long run. And even more specifically, …

trail running injuries

Common Trail Running Injuries and How to Avoid Them

  By Patrick McGlade, CTS Ultrarunning Coach and Physical Therapist Ultrarunning is an exercise in controlled excess. Athletes enjoy pushing themselves beyond what they previously thought possible. We can train for the time on our feet, for elevation changes, the heat and cold, but at a certain point our bodies will wave the white flag …

strength training resistance bands

How to Implement Heavy Strength Training for Runners

I’ve written before about how heavy strength training is superior to light weight/high repetition strength training for runners. In response, runners have asked about how, why, and when to implement a strength training program. I’ve also received a number of inquiries as to how to transition from a high rep/low weight or bodyweight based program …

lose weight

When is the Best Time for Ultramarathon Runners to Lose Weight?

  By Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning Many runners would like to lose a few pounds. Whether they need to, would benefit from, or should lose weight is another question. Generally, I prefer to focus on fitness and adequate nutritional support for training and let body weight adapt naturally. However, some athletes still …

ultrarunning long-range plan

3 Steps for Creating Your Ultrarunning Long-Range Plan

  By Jason Koop, CTS Head Ultrarunning Coach I am going to take you through how I plan out a season for athletes using a format that I refer to as the Long-Range Plan (LRP). Below you’ll also find a link to a free ultrarunning long-range plan template you can use to create your own. …

season goals

3 Keys To Achieving Your Biggest Ultramarathon Season Goals

By Darcie Murphy, CTS Ultrarunning Pro Coach It is lottery season and an impending New Year. This means the sky is the limit for ultramarathoners when it comes to dreaming and scheming plans for the year ahead. Although planning is becoming more complex with the increasingly competitive lotteries, there are also more new events than …