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Adjusting Outdoor Exercise for Air Pollution and Wildfire Smoke

  We are all aware that exercise is beneficial to our health, but exposure to air pollution isn’t. Harmful particles end up in your lungs causing irritation, inflammation, and can microscopic particulates can potentially enter the bloodstream. This can cause an increased risk for serious medical issues, including heart attack and stroke. What are athletes …

coffee brevard busche

The Best Coffee Facts for Cyclists

  By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author of “Ride Inside“, “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” Coffee has long been engrained in cycling culture. Many group rides start, end, or sometimes include stops at coffee shops. Coffee-related companies have sponsored some of the most iconic teams in the sport’s history, including Eddy Merckx’s 1969 Tour winning Faema team, …

training in extreme cold

Can Training in Extreme Cold Permanently Hurt Your Lungs?

Reviewed by Jason Koop, Head Coach of CTS Ultrarunning You’re right, you’re not going to “freeze your lungs”… however, exercising and competing in extreme environmental conditions can have a long lasting negative impact on your lung health. Every winter runners, cyclists, and triathletes flood social media feed covered in various forms of human icicles, temperatures …

cts coaching principles

Key Principles Professional Coaches Use to Change Lives and Develop Champions

In an era when algorithms amplify gimmicks and 7-second soundbites, athletes are inundated with contradicting and confusing messages about how coaching works. Some athletes fail to see the difference between a professional coach and a hobbyist whose main qualifications are their own competitive results. As of this year, I have worked for CTS for half …


How Fitness in Your 50s May Predict Your Lifespan

Middle-aged athletes – men and women – are used to facing criticism or skepticism from our sedentary peers. It’s a midlife crisis, vanity, an attempt to recapture our youth, a way of denying that we’re getting older, and the list goes on. What they fail to understand is that we don’t train to hold on …

ambitious goals alex gustin lux cycling

6-Step Plan to Achieve Ambitious Endurance Sports Goals

Accomplishing ambitious goals in endurance sports requires planning. CTS Coaches prepare elite athletes for success at the world’s premier events, as well as first-timers to take on challenging personal goals, and all athletes between these two extremes. The specific workouts and plans vary widely, but the underlying process is rooted in the same fundamentals of …


The Keys to Creating Winning Coach-Athlete Connections

Communication is important. In fact, it may be the single most important part of any coach-athlete relationship. Years of data and race reports only tell a part of the story. The rest of the narrative, the most important parts, are found in an athlete’s words and subjective descriptions. Coaches gain access to a trove of …


Trainright Guide to Cyclocross Training and Racing

By Jim Rutberg, CTS Pro Coach, co-author “The Time-Crunched Cyclist” and “Training Essentials for Ultrarunning” As summer turns to fall, many cyclists shift their attention from road, gravel, and mountain bike events to cyclocross. Held on closed courses in local parks, cyclocross is a perfect way to get a great workout, satisfy your competitive drive, and …

Katie Schide UTMB

Inside Look at UTMB Champion Katie Schide’s Training and Strategies

Katie Schide winning the 2022 Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc was an emotional rollercoaster for all involved, myself included. As her coach, I’m overjoyed for Katie, but not just because she prevailed. The backstory is as special for me as the victory. It’s a story of the transformation she made to her training over the …