week-long training block

Making The Most Of A Week-Long Training Block (Like Festive 500)

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer The week between Christmas and New Year’s is often an opportunity for cyclists to pile on miles and hours. The Rapha Festive 500 (riding 500 kilometers between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve) is one of the original and still popular versions for ending the …

SBT - Leadville - mistakes

5 Things Cyclists Shouldn’t Do During Long Races and Events

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Obviously, there are a lot of things you do need to do in order to be successful in long distance cycling events. You have to train effectively, put in the miles and hours, incorporate structure and progression, fuel your training, and allow for adequate recovery. …

Bill Walton during a cycling trip with CTS

Bill Walton’s Lessons on Joy and Bike Riding

Our friend Bill Walton passed away last weekend and many of the CTS Coaches and CTS Athletes who rode with him and got to know him have been sharing their memories on social media. Back in 2013, CTS Founder Chris Carmichael wrote a Road Bike Action Magazine column about riding with Bill. The gentlest and …

best long ride performance riders at paris-roubaix

Unlock Your Best Long Ride Performance

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Performance is never just about fitness, or even determination. Your performance in specific events often comes down to how you use your energy. Many cyclists are used to riding 2-4 hours, but rarely get the opportunity to go really long and stretch themselves to 6+ …

protein and recovery drinks

Myths about Post-Workout Protein and Recovery Drinks

    By Chris Carmichael and Jim Rutberg (updated March 2024) Reviewed by Stephanie Howe, PhD (March 2024) Myths abound in all areas of training and nutrition. There are many misconceptions about the role of protein in recovery, the amount of protein endurance athletes need, and when to use specific recovery drinks. Here are a …

aging athlete

4 Training Myths for Cyclists 50 and Older

I frequently hear senior cyclists repeating training myths that hold them back. In some cases, they are not doing something wrong in training. Rather, their beliefs about aging have narrowed their vision of what a cyclist over 50 can do. Now that I’m in my 60’s with a hip replacement and a knee replacement, I …

thanksgiving exercise

Thanksgiving Challenge and Training Tips for Cyclists

  By Chris Carmichael CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer Depending on your work and family schedule, you might have a few days off during Thanksgiving Week, or you might be fortunate enough to take the whole week off. Maybe you’ll be one of the millions braving the airports and highways, or perhaps the party …

knee replacement

Knee Replacement Training Plan: One Year Post-Op Report

  By Chris Carmichael, CTS Founder and Chief Endurance Officer One year after a total knee replacement surgery on my right leg, and 21 months after surgery to replace my left hip, I am finally feeling strong and durable as a cyclist again. As I near my 63rd birthday, I know I am one of …