Russell Finsterwald stage racing podcast

Russell Finsterwald: Training Strategies For Stage Races

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews Russell Finsterwald for part 2 of their discussion on training for single-day and stage races. Russell goes in-depth on how he prepares differently and prioritizes recovery for stage racing.  Listen to part one on single-day races here. Episode Highlights: Training approach for multi-day events Recovery …

Russell Finsterwald podcast training one-day races

Russell Finsterwald: Training For One-Day Races

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews professional cyclist and CTS Athlete, Russell Finsterwald. In part one of this two-part series, they talk about Russell’s training approach and strategies for one-day races. Episode Highlights: Training approach for one-day races Russell’s favorite workout for single-day event prep Pre-race food and game plan Race …

Stephanie Howe running during pregnancy

Stephanie Howe: Running and Nutrition During and After Pregnancy

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, Hillary Allen interviews ultrarunner and fellow CTS Coach Stephanie Howe, Ph.D. They discuss Stephanie’s approach to running, nutrition, and experiences during and after her pregnancy. Episode Highlights: Balancing being a mother and athlete Practicing grace and patience with your new body  Navigating running pre and post-pregnancy Common misconceptions …

Micah Rice podcast

Micah Rice: The Future Of Cycling Events In The USA

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews race director, cyclist, and sports events professional Micah Rice. They talk about what types of cycling events are leading change in the US, why the destination and experience at races are changing how participants are choosing their races, and Micah’s mountain bike stage race the …

Clare Gallagher How Runners Can Be Environmentally Conscious Podcast

Clare Gallagher: How Runners Can Be Environmentally Conscious

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Hillary Allen interviews Clare Gallagher, an ultrarunner and environmental advocate. They discuss the role athletes can play in environmental policies, how runners can find their niche in advocating for our environment, and why even small changes make a big difference. Episode Highlights: The environmental issues that are too …

3 Important Cycling Workouts Podcast

The 3 Most Important Cycling Workouts

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Coach Adam Pulford lays out the 3 most important cycling workouts you need to include in your training, why each workout is important, how to organize them in your training, and how to do them properly to increase your performance and durability. Episode Highlights: The 3 most important …

Hillary Allen Out and Back Book Podcast Episode

Hillary Allen: Belief Is A Powerful Training Tool

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews TrainRight co-host, Hillary Allen, about her new book release; Out and Back: A Runner’s Story of Survival and Recovery Against All Odds. They discuss why Hillary was inspired to write her book and how so many of the lessons learned through her recovery can apply …

Dr. Stephen Seiler athletic durability podcast

Dr. Stephen Seiler: How To Build Durable Athletic Performance

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews world-renowned Professor of Sport Science, Dr. Stephen Seiler. During their discussion, they touch on polarized training and do a deep dive into the intricacies of developing athletic durability.  Episode Highlights: How to take a long-term approach to goal setting and development Quantifying and qualifying endurance …

Teddy Bross ultramarathon sleep deprivation

Dr. Teddy Bross: Preparing For Sleep Deprivation In Ultramarathons

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Hillary Allen interviews Dr. Teddy Bross, MD. They go in-depth about why more sleep is so important for athletes, sleep deprivation and its consequences, and discuss the sleep deprivation that comes with distances and races that take you through the night or multiple nights. Episode Highlights: One small …