continuous blood glucose monitoring podcast episode

A Deep Dive On Continuous Glucose Monitoring For Performance

Topics Covered In This Episode: What is continuous glucose monitoring? The use cases for continuous glucose monitoring How your blood glucose fluctuates throughout the day Learning how different foods can affect glucose levels and performance How a warmup can affect glucose levels The questions that still need to be answered about glucose levels and performance …

Addie Bracy mental training for ultrarunning podcast

Mental Training For Ultrarunning With Addie Bracy

Topics covered in this episode: The mental side of ultrarunning Understanding your “why” behind ultrarunning Aligning your training with your values How to focus on the process The three different goals in sports psychology Tips for dealing with stress and pressure How to salvage a race when everything goes sideways Guest Bio: Addie Bracy is …

anaerobic capacity podcast episode

How To Build Anaerobic Capacity

Topics covered in this episode: What is anaerobic capacity? Understanding functional reserve capacity How to structure intervals to improve anaerobic capacity What is Pmax? Intensive and extensive functional reserve capacity intervals How to plan your intervals Factors to consider before including these high-intensity intervals in your training Previous episodes in this series: How To Improve …

Ultrarunning DNF podcast episode

Chantelle Robitaille: Lessons From The Dreaded Ultrarunning DNF

Topics covered in this episode: Getting beyond a DNF Keeping the big picture in perspective Uncovering motivations that will lead to your success Setting A, B, and C goals How to diagnose whether you should continue or DNF? Understanding the difference between hurt and hurting? How to evaluate what went wrong during your race Guest …

train VO2 max podcast episode

How To Train VO2 Max

Topics covered in this episode: What is VO2 max? How much can you increase VO2 max? What type of intervals you should use to influence VO2 max Extensive vs intensive training Example VO2 max training weeks Common mistakes athletes make with VO2 max intervals When in the season to build your VO2 max Listen to …

Nutrition For Ultra Endurance Cycling & Running Events

Topics Covered In This Episode: Fueling ultra-endurance cycling and running events Identifying the performance elements of your event Altering nutrition during the hard and easy portions of races Training your gut Common nutrition mistakes athletes make Nutrition beyond the 6-hour mark in events Dealing with GI issues The causes of cramping Listen to the episode …

Alison Tetrick Leadville podcast

Alison Tetrick: Lessons From The Leadville Trail 100 MTB

About this episode: In this week’s episode, Adam Pulford interviews pro cyclist and CTS Athlete Alison Tetrick. Adam and Alison discuss her experience taking on her first mountain bike race at the Leadville Trail 100 MTB, and the key lessons learned from preparing for and racing the iconic event.  Episode Highlights: Transitioning from road and …

John Fitzgerald off-season podcast

How Ultrarunners Should Approach The Off-Season

Topics Covered In This Episode: How to approach an off-season after a season of racing How to use micro rests during the season Getting at the “Why” behind your goal How to use training races to prepare for A races Guest Bio – John Fitzgerald: John Fitzgerald was the first ultrarunning-specific coach hire at CTS …

FTP podcast episode

How To Improve Your Cycling FTP (Functional Threshold Power)

Topics Coach Adam Pulford Covers In This Episode on Cycling FTP: How to test your FTP 2 important ways to build your FTP Establishing your training rhythm Episode Outline: Intro: The concept of a “Threshold” has many nuanced forms and definitions in the world of physiology. There’s Lactate Threshold, Onsite of Blood Lactate Accumulation, Ventilatory …