cycling in wind

Cycling in Wind: Skills for Solo Riding and Drafting

I grew up in south Florida, lived in Belgium, and raced in the Netherlands. I learned a thing or two about cycling in wind, so it pains me to see cyclists make mistakes because they don’t understand the dynamics of cycling on a windy day. Sometimes it’s just because they haven’t mastered cycling skills or …

Dr. Allen Lim

Dr. Allen Lim Is The Voice Of Reason Your Training Needs

About this episode: In this week’s episode, we interview the founder of Skratch Labs, Dr. Allen Lim, and talk with him about “embracing the suck,” self-care, training consistency, and his approach to nutrition. Guest Bio – Dr. Allen Lim: Dr. Allen Lim received his doctorate from the Applied Exercise Science Laboratory in the Department of …

simple training

5 Simple Training Strategies That Beat Complex Ones

  By Chris Carmichael, Founder and Head Coach of CTS If I were to summarize recent articles, conversations, and podcasts that have caught my attention it would be to say, “Keep it simple, stupid.” I think there is a natural draw to make things more complicated or to place greater value on products or methods …

Christie Aschwanden

Christie Aschwanden: The Strange Science Of Recovery

About This Episode: In this week’s episode, we delve into the confusing world of sports recovery with acclaimed science journalist Christie Aschwanden, exploring some of the key takeaways from her book Good to Go: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery. Guest Bio – Christie Aschwanden: Christie …

20th Anniversary blog Image

Press Release: CTS Bolsters Coaching Staff with 3 New Coaches

  (Colorado Springs, CO – February 25, 2020) – CTS, the industry leader in personal endurance coaching, today announced the addition of three new coaches to the CTS Coaching Staff. Stephanie Howe, Sarah Scozzaro, and John Croom bring unique strengths to staff of 56 total coaches, and are available to take new athletes immediately. Stephanie …