trail running poles podcast episode

Should You Use Trail Running Poles At Your Next Ultramarathon?

Topics Covered In This Episode: The benefits of running with poles Factors to consider when choosing whether or not to use poles How to properly size your running poles How to incorporate trekking poles in your training Common mistakes athletes make when using poles Guest Bio Adam St. Pierre is a former CTS Expert Ultrarunning …

anemia iron deficiency

Iron Deficiency and Anemia in Endurance Athletes

As an endurance athlete you likely know someone who struggles with anemia. Although it only affects about 5% of the general population, anemia is more common amongst athletes. By some estimates, more than 50% of female athletes and up to 30% of male athletes may be anemic. Here’s why endurance athletes are more likely to …

cycling skills

Essential Cycling Skills All Riders Need to Master

Cycling skills are essential for speed, safety, and fun. Whether you ride solo, pedal with friends at the local group ride, or participate in cycling events and races, it’s important to practice and continually improve your cycling skills. This guide covers basic and advanced techniques for drafting, pace lines, riding in a group, cornering, descending, …

exercise and air pollution

Exercise and Air Pollution: Training and Racing When Air Quality is Poor

Topics Covered In This Episode: How does exercise make your exposure to pollution worse? Health effects vs. performance effects of air pollution. Which pollutants are more harmful to athletes during exercise? How and when to adapt workouts due to poor air quality. Mask or no mask during exercise on days with poor air quality? Guest: …

CTL Chronic Training Load

What Is Chronic Training Load (CTL) And How To Use It To Improve Cycling Performance

Table of Contents This content is available in multiple formats. Click below to jump to the format of your choice. Podcast with Adam Pulford Video with Adam Pulford Article by Chris Carmichael Note: Several cycling training terms used throughout this post are trademarked by TrainingPeaks, including Training Stress Score®, Normalized Power®, and Intensity Factor®. Additionally, …


All About Carbohydrate for Cycling Training, Performance, and Recovery

People have strong feelings about carbohydrate, despite the fact it is neither good nor bad. The positive and negative effects of carbohydrate on health, performance, and recovery come from when, why, and how much people consume. For endurance athletes, carbs are an essential fuel for performance and recovery. To understand this critical component of sports …

Ultramarathon crew and pacer podcast episode

Tips For Choosing Your Ultramarathon Crew And Pacer

Topics Covered In This Episode: How to choose a good pacer The key crew roles Common mistakes runners make with crews and pacers Planning for things to go wrong Guest: Andy Jones-Wilkins, known as AJW, is an ultrarunner and CTS Coach who first began running ultramarathons in 1992. AJW ran his first 100 miler in …

cycling training terms

Cycling Training Terms and Acronyms Explained

Nearly every profession, sports, or area of study has its own language, and subsequently its own acronyms and abbreviations. Cycling training terms can sound like gibberish to non-cyclists, and can be confusing to long-time riders, too. Here’s a reference guide to some of the most common terms and abbreviations used in cycling training. And because …

Press Release: CTS Welcomes Cliff Pittman to Ultrarunning Coaching Staff

(Colorado Springs, May 12, 2022) – CTS, a pioneer in the endurance coaching and camps industry, today announced the addition of Cliff Pittman to the growing CTS Ultrarunning coaching staff. Pittman is the fourth coach to be hired in 2022, joining Addison Smith, Kerry Bonar, and Izzy Forrest. All four are available to take new …