Very good structured trainingsplans. Go for more!

Cory Bruno Leave a Comment

After a severe bike crash in March, I’m going constantly back to my previous fitness level. Currently I’m on the CTS Plan “60 minutes uphill” (in German “Sechzig-Minuten-Anstieg”. I feel, that by following your structured training plan, I’m improving day by day.

What could be better?

(1) Additional training plans:
I’m living in Switzerland, where there are lots of passes and hils, that require more than 60 minutes time to reach the top. It would be helpful, if there would be similar plans to 60 mins uphil for e.g. 120 mins or even better 180 mins uphil. I don’t know, if I could as for such plans by a coach from CTS.

(2) Predefined / available TACX/GARMIN trainings
I have a TACX/GARMIN subscription. I tried to follow a TRAININGPEAKS training plan, but when I start it on the TACX app, it tells me, that I have to regulate the ressistance / power by myself. What did I do? I “redesigned” the TRAININGPEAK workouts on GARMIN website. It would be great, if CTS would provide the neccessary workouts (already prepared and available to use) in TACX. I hope, you’ll provide this soon.


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