Thanks for being my coach, Adam!

Adam is everything one could hope for in a coach. As a working professional with just-for-fun-and-fitness running goals, I’d say Adam nailed the experience for me and he goes above and beyond my expectations. Adam is incredibly personable, knowledgeable, patient and immensely attentive. He is quick to comment on my workouts, and when we chat by phone he is attentive and makes me feel like I’m his only athlete. He is equally capable of high-level discussions as well as getting granular to answer specific nutrition or physiology questions. I would say that among Adam’s most impressive skills is his flexibility and ability to meet his athlete exactly where they are. In my case, that was all over the place. Adam patiently guided me along while my dog and I trained for a marathon, and happily pivoted when I changed to the half marathon because I “just wanted to run for fun”. And rather than becoming impatient or rolling his eyes when I slowed down my pace to look for salamanders under logs, he instead applauded my desire to enjoy the workouts even if that meant stopping and smelling the flowers along the way. As I told Adam, he has never once made me feel like I in any way failed him as an athlete; just the opposite. He is full of praise and patience and competence and awesomeness. Thanks for being my coach, Adam!

Krista Halling

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