Sarah is a superstar

We started working 9mths ago with Sarah and she is my first coach. I was looking for three things from my couch:
-I wanted to include weighs and speedwork in training and increase mileage to get ready for my first 100 miler
-I wanted to have a coach who would be actively involved on my training, giving feedback, answering questions and act as bounceboard for my plans (racegear, nutrition, raceplan) and give second opinion on my decisions (should I rest as my legs are sore or push on)
-Understand that I am full time officeworker with family on my 40’s so there are limiting factors.

From the start she has been delivering on all of these. Sarah is a fantastic coach, she knows technical aspects of conditioning but her greatest skill is the ability to build a connection. I feel that I have a friend, someone who is there for me whenever I need.

I am in best shape of my life and managed to finish my 1st 100 miler in tough conditions.

I think the best way to describe my feeling of this coaching relationship is that I would recommend Sarah and CTS for my friends.

Juha Roivainen

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