My coach rocks!

I’d like to give major kudos to Ryne for his help with prepping me for a number of trail races including a Mont Blanc trail running vacation! I started working with him 6 months ago and I’m more fit than I’ve been in years. When I first started trail running at age 53, I didn’t use a coach. I’d run myself into the ground or not train enough or correctly. Then at 58, I thought my athletic career was soon to be over. That was until I reached out to CTS and got hooked up with Ryne. He got me dialed in and has helped me improve tremendously! We’ve focused on endurance training and getting my body more durable for the ultras that I want to do. Additionally, his training has helped ignite a fire to keep me running and racing. He’s been super responsive with getting back information that I need and telling me what I don’t need. I can see now that with the help of a great coach like Ryne, I can continue to be competitive for many more years!

Tab Tollett

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