I’m improving thanks to Coach

Stephanie has been very helpful:

– Emphasizing the importance of leg treatment, specifically stretching and massage. I had a knee issue for months, and after some ideas and encouragement from her, my knee is as healthy as it’s been in awhile.
– She keeps me accountable – without a coach, I wouldn’t be getting out the door day-in, day-out. That’s been one of the primary reasons for my improvement.
– I was winging it with training plans previously – the plan she’s developed for me is more focused on data-driven results.

Two areas where I’d like to continue improving:
– Understanding the “why” and the science behind the training plan. We’ve talked about doing a phone call as she designs 2-3 weeks of a training plan so I can understand why she prescribes what distances and at what intensity. I haven’t had a chance to advocate more for this. I’d like to learn more.
– I want to take advantage of the nutrition consultation that is part of the level of coaching I signed up for.

Overall, I’ve enjoyed working with Coach Stephanie immensely!

Justin Villere

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