Fully satisfied – this is what I expect from coach

What is great, even beyond my expectations: Coach Max is able to find a sweetspot between hard training and keeping me motivated, hungry for more. Working without a coach I had a typical problem of pushing too hard too often and now it is solved. I am still on a learning curve and feel my fitness is improving a lot – but the starting point was not that high. Coach is listening to my feedback and adjusts program according to it. I am still before first races after starting work with CTS, but I have gained a lot of confidence in my fitness and development.

What is not perfect for me (I haven’t talked about it with Coach yet) – strenght training program seems to be a little bit too sophisticated for me. Probably it is a bit too structured and complicated and as I don’t have much experience and skills with this type of work, I don’t have much fun doing it. And not always comply with it as well.

Przemysław Wasilewski

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