
See What Athletes Are Saying About Their TrainRight Membership

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Average Rating: 4.3 stars (based on 75 ratings)
I was a CTS athlete for many years Recently I’ve gotten back to training and turned to CTS for help getting it right.

Great variety to the workouts (so far), good introduction and it has definitely helped to focus not only on the intensity when it is supposed to be high, but also when it has to be low.

Henrik Frank Nielsen

Ajudou a treinar com mais propriedade!

Benedito Donizeti

Love the training plans and the Training Peaks tracking has really helped me understand if I am meeting the intent of the session and see how I am progressing over time! Would really love to see more activity/videos/conversation in the Circle app. Really miss having more of a community aspect.

Gretchen Lowery
I’ve been training for about 8 years, mostly for triathlon. Membership has been great for me as I can access a number of different training plans and bounce questions off the coaches. I like CTS’s science based approach and lack of gimmicks, just a straight forward approach to training.
Tom Davidson

It has open my eyes to new training. Periodized Training Phases is a great option to plan for the year of training. The videos are very helpful.

Rick Villa

Really excellent podcasts re: various training aspects. Excellent explanation of intensive vs. extensive increases in power levels for various power ranges (VO2 max, threshold, Sweet Spot, ect.) Very helpful for understand how to increase zone power levels.

Craig Goldensoph

After a couple years away from masters road racing, I finally feel like I’m back on track for the 2022 road season. I’m just about to finish Foundation 1, and I’m looking forward to starting Foundation 2 soon. Your training plans are terrific, and I enjoy the weekly email newsletters.


I found the 20 week intermediate plan very helpful and noticed my fitness level improving. With the plan. I used the forum for questions and Sarah was very responsive and so helpful when answering my questions. I also loved the access to the training library with so many training workouts. I’d definitely recommend the trainright membership.


Love the running programming and how easy the app is to navigate. I wish there were options for season long strength training or more programs to pick from.


The primary driver to join was to get access to the Training Block programs. I dig the structure of the plan. I am a few weeks into the Off Season I think it’s called. The mid-milage one. I’m enjoying it.
I’m not sure about the rest of the Features of the membership. The discounts are not enough to add a lot of value to me. The monthly calls are informative but again, not enough. I certainly don’t know everything but questions don’t pop up for me so I don’t get a lot out of them.
If you guys sold the plans outright vs. a membership that may be an alternative option for me.
I really like the vibe Chris and Team have developed so I wish I could offer suggestions but I just can’t think of any right now.

Dave Eaton

I’ve always liked CTC. I had the first 5 training DVD’s they put out, and I remember when Chris used to do the podcast!

I’m a regular listener to their current running and cycling podcast now and I find the training plans sensible and productive.

Mark Rando
I like having help with my training and being able to ask some questions to some one who is knowledgeable and give good answers. I don’t really need help with motivation but I lack structure. It’s helpful to be able to keep myself from making avoidable mistakes. Especially because I’m trying to return from an injury and it’s nice to have someone help me make reasonable decisions to come back strong.
Thomas Hanks
The TrainRight Membership is a really good thing to start structured training and free the mind a bit from overthinking training every day. I use it for cycling and I can change the training days in trainingpeaks easy to adjust it to my schedule. Having trainingpeaks premium throughout the membership is a big plus on top. All in all very satisfied and happy with it the coach q&as give you a lot of qualified input you can work with
Roberto Vukovic
Great structured running plans for the time crunched!

I’m not a competitive cyclist but I’ve been wanting to improve fitness and specifically my climbing. The climbing training blocks and additional workouts included in the membership have made it super easy for me to know what workouts to do and improve my power on climbs. My work schedule changes a lot so I also like that I can easily move workouts around in the training plan if needed.

Bryant Godoy

I’m just getting started with my TrainRight membership and I’m finding that it is a valuable resource.

First, I am very pleased with the fact that I can now access the CTS Training Library on my TrainingPeaks account. The workouts are excellent.

Next, I’m stoked that my TrainRight membership automatically upgraded my TrainingPeaks membership to Premium at no extra cost to me. This wraps the cost of TrainingPeaks Premium into my TrainRight membership. Also, I can now move workouts around in my TrainingPeaks calendar. This is especially helpful when life gets hectic.

Finally, I am excited to have access to CTS coaches when I’m ready to take my cycling to the next level. Thanks to everyone at CTS for creating such an amazing resource.

Matt C
I like what TrainRight has to offer but would like to see maybe a tiered membership. I like the access to free training plans and manipulating them in TrainingPeaks, and I really appreciate the ability to have workouts in Zwift. Since I have a lot of experience with training and racing but am not sure what it is I want out of the program-nor what I want out of my own training right now-I would love to see a more affordable rate for those of us who want to try out the program in steps rather then go all in.
Shelly James

It’s given me the structure and accountability I needed. Being able plug the training plans in and getting the daily emails from Training Peaks has made me much more consistent with my training. It’s gotten me out of riding in the dreaded “orange zone” and feeling burnt out all the time.

Jen D

TrainRight helped me with knowing when to hit the hard days and how hard to go. It didn’t burn me out, but just gave me a steady program process and accomplishment. I recommend it highly.

Marti Stephen
I really enjoy Training Peaks a great tool. You do a very good job trying to educate your runners and cyclists. Your depth of training plans is your biggest weakness.
Mark Johnson
Chose this plan to keep me fit so I can prepare for two goal events next year (Belgium Waffle Rides in California and North Carolina) two weeks apart. The weight training sessions so far are very light. Bike work seems appropriate for off season work.
John Williams


Stacey baarts

I have been part of TrainRight for around 1 month now, but have used Training Peaks in the past while I was bike racing and my coach required using the program. Since I have started running ultras and now moving into the 100 mile range I realized that I would need a bit more structure to accomplish my goal. So far I have seen my training fitness increase and the program I am on for running a 100 mile race is giving me the structure so that I can taper properly prior to my run.

Randy Ellis

Now I have got a master plan for the whole year. Structured plans are organising my different trainings phases much better than before. Sometimes I do small adjustments for my personal needs but I feel much fitter than before. Specifically after the tapering I feel strong and relaxed ready for the race .

Tobias Rose

I’ve had a couple of online coaches in the past who were pretty disappointing. CTS is a nice in between (in between self coaching and hiring a coach) and extremely affordable. I absolutely love the online forum where you can ask questions and get answers from amazing coaches.

Matt Wells

I’ve used static plans for years and was getting into a rut. I’m enjoying this plan so far because it’s a little different than what I had become accustom to. I like the idea of an off season plan since I seem to enjoy the structure.

Some improvements? I’m MTB 90% of the time with a little gravel now and then. I’d like to see plans specific to MTB. Also I’m an older athlete and hope the plans have incorporated enough rest into them for my age group. The strength training time is much less than what I was doing, but I’m not missing that so far.

As far as the Facebook thing goes I’m uncertain how to use that. Does a coach answer questions or is it up to the group? Not really a fan of getting a response from unknown individuals regarding training.

David Norman
I’ve been using TR for al most a month, and so far so good. No complaints at all, and even recommend to try it yourself.
Moises Tatis

Before using TrainRight I was running a lot but not sure if I was training correctly for my racing goals. Now that I am using TrainRight I feel confident in the plan and prepared to take on my ultra marathon.

Erik Janiszewski

I signed up for a 100-miler training plan and I love the workouts, the description of what the workout is all about and more. It uploads to my training peaks which is super convenient for me.

Karen Bonnett-Natraj
Great value to start with a premium Training peaks membership – I found the training blocks that best suited my training, pluged them in to training peaks and off I went. I also like the variety of specific traing blocks available. To top it off, the ability to sign up for a live cast with trainers to listen to their training suggestions and to ask questions. I am way happy with this program…
Basil Hernandez
After conquering several thousand miles over the spring and summer, I wanted to add more purpose to my riding. I started with the sixteen workouts of Power Intrerval Video workouts. I was very impressed with the Improvement I made. So I decided to join Train RIght and love the program I’m following now. It definitely keeps me on track with training and gives structure I want in my cycling routine. The added perk of Premium Membership to Training Peaks is an exceptional bonus. Now I keep track of all my workouts & stats on one platform. If you are needing sstructure to your cycling workouts I highly recommend the Train Right Membership.
Sharon G.

After a severe bike crash in March, I’m going constantly back to my previous fitness level. Currently I’m on the CTS Plan “60 minutes uphill” (in German “Sechzig-Minuten-Anstieg”. I feel, that by following your structured training plan, I’m improving day by day.

What could be better?

(1) Additional training plans:
I’m living in Switzerland, where there are lots of passes and hils, that require more than 60 minutes time to reach the top. It would be helpful, if there would be similar plans to 60 mins uphil for e.g. 120 mins or even better 180 mins uphil. I don’t know, if I could as for such plans by a coach from CTS.

(2) Predefined / available TACX/GARMIN trainings
I have a TACX/GARMIN subscription. I tried to follow a TRAININGPEAKS training plan, but when I start it on the TACX app, it tells me, that I have to regulate the ressistance / power by myself. What did I do? I “redesigned” the TRAININGPEAK workouts on GARMIN website. It would be great, if CTS would provide the neccessary workouts (already prepared and available to use) in TACX. I hope, you’ll provide this soon.


Peter Nold

The best part is that you can choose between intensity, focus and sports.


The structured training programs and blocks do most of the work for me in terms of setting up a training plan. Being able to sync pre-programmed workouts through Training Peaks saves me time setting them up in my watch and I love not having to figure out every week what workouts to do next along with being able to easily map out a long term plan. It is great being able to ask questions to a professional coach with CTS and I appreciate their quick responses, great advice and encouragement. The TrainRight membership provides the right balance of programming support, access to Q&A, flexibility and independence I need to work toward my current ultrarunning training goals. It seems like the next best thing to having a dedicated coach and I’m happy to have found this option.


I started the Time-Crunched Gravel Grinder program when I joined. So far I like it though I do think the weekly increase in time for the tempo and steady-state intervals are a little too much for me so I have had modify them a little so I could complete them. I know they are set for the masses and can’t be changed but I thought it was worth mentioning. I also would like to be able to see the plan details before adding it to Training Peaks. I have a good idea on how the plans are set up since I was using the plans on Strava over the summer, but it would be a nice feature to have when picking the next training plan.

The moderators on the FB page have been great with giving advice and helpful tips when doing the workouts.

Other than that, I have no complaints.

Chris LeMay

My only regret I wish I had signed up earlier. Bugger ! Having TrainRight in my tool kit has made a Huge difference in what I wish to achieve I no longer have to stress and waste time by trying to produce a work out program and hope it was correct which in majority of cases was wrong. Not only do CTS provide excellent works out programs. They also provide hits and recommendations on nutrition etc.

Big thank you to CTS. John. 🇦🇺

John walker

it was nice to have the free training plan, but there is nothing more than having premium access to TrainingPeaks. I am not from the US, I cannto even use the discounts.

High cost for the benefits.


I’ve been cycling for years but this is first time I have used any cycling training app and the TrainRight Membership has been great! The cycling plans are very helpful. Thanks!

Merry Xmas!

Diane Kadidlo

I like that I get access to both the training plans and TrainingPeaks. I feel like it gives me the direction and tools I need to track my progress and feel confident that I’m doing the right workouts.

Jerry Graham
I love the Q&A meetings. I unfortunately have been participating via the replays, but still get a tremendous amount of useful information through the dialogue. I really love the structured plan and appreciate knowing I have access to the FB group and a CTS coach should I have a questions.
Mark Georg

I’m new to this membership but I have already gained a lot of value from the plans and the ability to bounce ideas off of a coach in the forum.

With a free trial, if you are curious, this is an easy decision.

Back in the early days of CTS there was a membership option for a monthly schedule that was generated for me by a coach but very generic. Loved that membership option as I’m not a crazy serious competitive athlete but really liked having a monthly plan. Was hoping this new membership would be similar. Where it falls short is 1. The monthly chat is not convenient and very boring to listen to after the fact. Would rather have an option to email a coach or have a non-Facebook option to chat as I don’t currently use, nor will I ever use Facebook. 2. Not many plans available to set up a training program and not much info available to judge how I’m doing, seems very bare boned yet the personal coaching is too much for me. Would love to have an option like the old $50/ month one I described earlier.
Jan Stahl

With rides focused on watts, cadence, and heart rate the TrainRight workouts are a huge help in making me a stronger rider. I do have a background in data analysis so this next comment may or may not be useful: I find the charts/graphs/data presentation, in general, to be informative and very useful in understanding the progress of my strength. The only thing that would be more useful to achieving my goal is to have a coach. Being a senior with a limited income, though, prohibits that. Bottom line: if you are serious about becoming a stronger rider then the TrainRight Membership is worth the spend.

Jeffrey Hyman
I am new to the program and everything to date has been great. Workouts are challenging and I am feeling the progress.

I joined the TrainRight Membership to gain access to the CTS coaches through the forum and the ultrarunning training plans. An added bonus are the strength and cycling training plans, the Zoom calls and membership perks. I’ve learned how to review and analyze my own efforts within TrainingPeaks, and how to get the most from cross training and when to prioritize running.

The coaches have been awesome! Quick replies to questions with our own training, and providing a safe space to share with the community. The coaches have been sharing content and linking articles to help us get the most from our training.

The training plans are solid, and available for all levels of runner (or cyclist). And the community is warm and welcoming. All types of runners and cyclists from around the globe in every age group – so many people to learn from and learn with.

Money well spent!

Jamie Charles

I have never been disappointed with the guidance that I have had and continue to have, on various levels, from the professional staff of coaches at CTS. After every camp I am a more proficient cyclist with the added plus of a higher level of confidence in my abilities as a seasoned cyclist.

Tim Cook
There are a lot of planning tools to help you become a better and more fit cyclist. My only suggestion is, it would be nice to have a coach who could answer my question(s) occasionally.
Joseph Charping

Training Plan Library was inaccessible after about 7 -10 days which seemed odd. I received several emails when I signed up and somehow missed the one with the authorized access to the Training Plan Library. When I did notice the message, I clicked on the box/link and it told me that the access had expired and to request it again through CTS/Trainright Customer Support. When I made the request, Customer Service replied that
“I would need to contact the person or entity that I purchased the plan through”… huh? I believe that I purchased the Monthly Plan through them, CTS?/TrainRight… Too confusing. I elected to not waste my time going in circles with customer service. Additionally, the metrics were interesting however, it seems best to have one-on-one CTS coach to understand and truly make good use of the data provided. Cancelled trial and sticking to TR for time being.

Jeffrey Hayes

It is not exactly the same as having an actual coach by your side, but it is the next best thing. If you are looking for a structured program to follow, that isn’t complicated, then I would give consideration to CTS and TR. Bang for my buck? With all of the perks that I get from being a member, this resource is practically free!!

Kevin Scott
I think one month is not enough time to evaluate how effective is the group. I like the access to CTS training library. Still missing some advise how to adapt this to my plan and using Training Peak. I think the monthly webcast should be move to biweekly in order to have more topics to discuss in the group. Now that we are 25 member is will be good to provide more information to discussion in the group, maybe some articles or information that we can read and discuss to our internal growth.
Marcos Ortega

TrainRight membership gives me the workouts and focus that I need to improve my fitness for cycling. I am still learning some of the metrics. Overall, it is working very well for me.

Jane Whitsett

I’m a relatively new member and new to doing structured workouts, so still learning how to read some of the data. I’ve had great experiences with Athlete Services and TP customer service whenever I’ve had an issue, very quick to respond.
What I like best is the motivation it give me to do the workouts. I’m looking forward to the improvement I gain in cycling. I have a ways to go though.


I was not looking really for coach, but more latest training programs that leans more towards 80/20 or shall we call it polarised currently.
Base is all sweet spot, that ruined my 2021 season with base training.
Weight training plans are too easy, entry level…you can hire me to design you proper weight sessions :))) I have BB backround from youth and I went down from 107 kg to 83kg.

Mart Tomson

It was great but wahoo difficulties I didn’t get full benefit of trial


I’m able to make the plans work for me better than say trainer road because I can increase the prescribed length of the intervals when I am ready instead of when I’m supposed to be ready. I having access to the plans as well as the library of workouts has helped me greatly.

Rudy Keefer

It hasn’t yet I’m still trying to work out how to use it.

Cameron Vickers

Dont understand the app, pleaso back the money thanks

Luis Perez

TrainRight is giving me the structure, feedback and support to reach for my goals! The community gives me the inspiration and encouragement to keep going! I am 52 but definitely feel like I have a world of trails ahead of me to finish strong.

Gretchen Lowery

I’m an older cyclist – 69 about to turn 70. Been riding for 20 years. I’ve been using a power meter for about 9 months. Had a paid coach, Peak’s Coaching Group, for 6 of those months. Stopped paying for a coach because of the expense at the end of October.
I’m currently self-coached. l use Training Peaks and WKO5. My CTL is 83 and I want to bring it down to the 70s for this month and next and them ramp back up. Doing strength training, range of motion and muscle activation exercises, long rowing sessions and a couple of relatively easy group rides and at least one set of VO2 max or higher intervals/week.
I bought and used several of Chris Carmichael’s books and training techniques back in the day when we all had were HRM and RPE.
I’m not sure what I can gain from a TrainRight membership. I’ve participated a little in the FB page. there seems to be very little activity there. The live sessions with coaches look interesting but they are scheduled during my weekly group rides.
the questions I have may be too specific or specialized for this format. the kind of questions you’d ask a coach.
I’m going to give it another month and see how it goes.

Craig Roshaven

Enjoy riding so much that I can go to excess at times especially now that I am no longer racing. TrainRight helps me monitor my training scores letting me know when the volume needs to be dialed back. Also, when rested I can also track those performance gains.

Jon Gaudio

I am not able to figure out how to modify workouts enough to get the intervals where I want them. I think I just need to learn write my own.

Avery Wilmanns

Good plans, and fair advice from the coaches.
I wish that the plans are not tied to a Premium account of Training Peaks.

Javier Sanchez
For me personally I would like to see some content and a training plan for xc mountain bikers. I have been a long time fan of CTS advice and articles. I think your membership is a great idea and suits my Work and family circumstances. Thanks
Stefano Detomaso

Mainly all the advice from the coaches in the blog. Especially from Jason itself

José Vicente
I really like that the program forces me to cross train. I’m really bad at cross training and I’ve appreciated that change. Right now I’m doing the off season program but I’m hoping that I’ll run my first 50 miler next summer and plan to change to that plan at some point.

Still evaluating, In general, it’s good to have a plan of almost any kind . I do like the plans that are available in Training Peaks for time crunched cyclists and generally feel more focused
I feel like that is all I’m getting out of it for the fee as most of the videos and other resources for cyclists are free on youtube . I don’t see alot of chatter in the forum, so I’m not sure how often that’s used. There may not be alot of active members.
I think there is probably value in being able to work with a coach. However the cost, even at the lowest level is a bit high for my need. I have basic questions that I think a coach could assist with, but 200 + dollars a month is just a little steep for a 55 year old looking to just have training make sense for the fall cyclocross season. I really just need someone to look at my training plan and give feedback on like a monthly basis at most and the ability to have an exchange of questions. I don’t think I need weekly guidance

Michael Garvey

I chose the Climbing 7-9hr/week program because I had been planning a trip to CO to challenge myself on longer climbs. I do most of my training indoors on my Kickr and with Zwift. I was excited by the first week workouts and 6 min above FTP efforts – which I’d never completed before! I got to the second week and felt defeated not being able to finish the 3 x 8 min above FTP efforts. Lots of stress at work, some gastro issues in the week and so I backed off to my old workouts. I felt like the climbing repeats were just too specific for me and I needed variety. My knee also started hurting after that first week and I think because of the lower cadence and my choice to do the workouts indoors.
I REALLY love the Facebook group and feedback there. I’m waiting to hear about the monthly Zoom call with the Coaches as I had hoped to hear details on when that was to be held.

Lisa B
I’ve just been a member for about a month or so, but so far I believe I am getting value from the membership. I see some new training plans were just released, and I am excited to take a look to see what’s there. Let’s see how it goes in the coming months! Please check back with me again.
Daniel Macioce

I could no longer afford paying over $100/ month on a running coach and so decided to check out TrainRight. I thought it was great for the price!

Katie T

I tried trainer road and it progressed too fast for me to actually adapt. This program works because I’m growing in a workout by doing it a few times before it progresses to more time at zone. I think I’m going to have a great 2025 because of trainright

Rudy Keefer

TrainRight is the best choice I’ve made since the original decision to get healthy (was heading towards 50 as a 344lb man who got winded walking *down* stairs). In the three years I’ve been active again, I’ve made great strides, tried lots of activities, ruled some out and, in the past year, found myself (surprisingly) wanting to pursue endurance running.

I did OK for a neophyte, but found myself without focus and guidance beyond trying to gather kudos on Strava. Fed the ego, but wasn’t making as much progress as I wanted and was trying to chase the stats of local runners half my age and 70% of my weight, which was a path to injury.

Coach Koop’s book made a lots of sense to me, particularly in terms of how it explained adaptation and training blocks. That brought me to TrainRight, which fits my budget and most of my needs.

Working using TrainingPeaks, particularly after Chantelle’s explanation of how to use it (highly recommend that recorded call for all new team members), has really helped me focus on the intent of each workout and meeting the objectives. The past calls and discussions in the Facebook groups have answered most of the questions I have had, as well as some of the questions that I didn’t know I had.

Love the camaraderie in the FB group and access to get my questions answered. Even enjoy the Strava group, although I sometimes get geographic and pacing envy.;-P

I think that the only thing holding my 4 back from being a 5 is for me to participate more and make consistent use of the resources.

Thanks for everything — I am seeing quantifiable improvements in feel and performance.

Jeff Dick
So glad during these challenging times, CTS was able to provided an alternative method to keep training. The use of training peaks and access to specific training plans is awesome. Plus like have access to Giordano gear.
Todd Geer

Structure that I haven’t had in the past. I’m also reading Jason Koop’s book, it’s an awesome book, thank you Trainright. Also I enjoy the koopcast and the time crunch athlete with Adam Pulford. I focus on running from August to February and cycling from March to July (live in Houston). Thanks for the help.
Steven Hessel

Steven Hessel

The Train Right Membership is useful and the content well-structured, but, due to my age (64 yrs old), the plans are too ambitious for me and go way too far. However, I am convinced that a lot of athletes find the rigt support as a base for their training programm

Ivan Vandersmissen