The Best Cycling Workout to Boost Late-Summer Speed
By Chris Carmichael,
Founder and Chief Endurance Officer
Being a strong athlete and being a fast athlete are not necessarily the same thing. There are a lot of athletes who have great endurance and can maintain a hard and steady pace hour after hour. This is especially true late in the summer when athletes have months of spring and summer miles in their legs. But frequently these strong athletes lack the punch for high-speed, high-intensity efforts. That’s why speed work is an important component of any endurance athlete’s training program.
What is Speed Work?
Speed work typically focuses on short bursts of high-intensity with extremely limited recovery between efforts. One example is a workout called Speed Intervals. This is an interval set of 30 seconds “on” and 30 seconds “off” that continues uninterrupted for 4-6 minutes. For elite athletes the sets get longer, up to 12-15 minutes. The idea is to “rev the engine” with a high-power and high-cadence effort for 30 seconds, and then bring your power/pace back to a normal endurance pace (not coasting or effortless spinning) for 30 seconds, and then rev again. I often recommend that athletes complete these efforts seated so the acceleration is really coming from applying more muscle to the pedals, not just more bodyweight.
How hard should you go?
That depends on the length of the set, but you want each 30-second effort to reach approximately the same power output (as opposed to starting really hard and then declining effort after effort). If the set is short (2-4 minutes) you can make the 30-second efforts harder, even maximal. As the sets get longer (5-10+ minutes) it’s normal for the goal power output to be above lactate threshold power but below max VO2 power. An important thing to remember, though, is that the acceleration is key. You want to have a lot of snap at the beginning of each 30-second effort and get your feet moving fast.
How do speed intervals improve performance?
Part of it is neuromuscular training, in that you’re developing the ability to change cadence quickly and frequently, and alternate between very high- and moderate-power efforts quickly. The very high-power efforts also generate a lot of lactate, and you’re developing the ability to generate and process lactate (reintegrate it back into normal aerobic metabolism) while continuing to perform at a high level.
Who needs Speed Work?
In training we often talk about the principle of specificity, which says the training you do has to be specific to the demands of the activity you’re training for. Speed work is very specific to a wide range of cycling disciplines. It’s crucial for mountain bike, criterium, and cyclocross racing, all of which feature an endless series of short, extreme efforts with very limited opportunities for recovery.
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Road racers and non-competitive athletes who do group rides and gran fondos also benefit from speed work. The ability to “rev the engine” and then recover quickly proves very useful when you’re in a pace line or you have to bridge a small gap. And versions of the interval set above are also used in swimming and running workouts to provide runners and triathletes with the same benefits.
Essentially, no matter what endurance sport you’re training for, you’ll be better off being both strong and fast. So do yourself a favor and add some speed work into your summer.
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Comments 16
30/30’s are awesome examples of speed work. Very good article.
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Hi Chris!
This is 100% me. And here’s my query… I live at 10k’ alt (with at least a 2hr drive to get to under 7k’); I do great w/long sustained efforts, but simply do not have the speed/punch at all anymore. Slow sloth 🙂 And I feel like at altitude, even in these 30sec bouts, the emphasis/effort is not with the legs/power, rather is w/ the lungs and lack of o2. Thoughts on how to get that punch back?
Hi Chris!
This is 100% me. And here’s my query… I live at 10k’ alt (with at least a 2hr drive to get to under 7k’); I do great w/long sustained efforts, but simply do not have the speed/punch at all anymore. Slow sloth 🙂 And I feel like at altitude, even in these 30sec bouts, the emphasis/effort is not where w/ the legs/power, rather is w/ the lungs and lack of o2. Thoughts?
Great little workout Chris! I’ve always been a big believer in 400m rep’s while running(18x400m w/60sec recovery broken down into 2 half’s with 4min jog)and I do enjoy your training DVD set from way back when while training for off the bike running. I’ll do this 30sec over unders and see what it’s about. Thank you for
All the great training tips and sessions I’ve done with you here in my man cave.
Would you recommend doing more than one set? Say 3x4min, 30 sec on 30 sec off with 10 min low endurance ride recovery between progressing 2x6min, before progressintg to the 10 or 12 min set.
yes you can add more than one set but make sure the recovery is significantly greater than between the intervals. I normal like the recovery between sets to be 2 times greater than the total of all the intervals in the set. So if you 4 x 30 second intervals in a set then the recovery between the sets should be 4minutes. Make sense? Have fun…:) Chris
Great tips for the last month before Masters Track Worlds in October!
Brian: I am glad you are inspired by the this article…Kick ass at the Master Track Worlds!
Thanks! Just the late summer pick-me-up I needed 🙂
Truth is we all need it at this time of the year. I find it hard to get motivated at the end of the summer and sometimes we all need the workout that will get us going.
I prefer cross training by playing ice hockey through the summer 🙂
Me too !!!
Thanks Chris!!! Just what I was looking for….
A few friends and I just committed to working on this very thing after getting dropped on a serious group ride this morning. Lately I have been training at longer 80-90 milers which proved to be no good on this morning’s very fast 22mph avg hilly 40 miler. At the point I got dropped was when a gaped was created and I couldn’t bridge back to the main field no matter how hard I tried. Speed work it is.
Hey Scott: I like to say “you gotta train fast to go fast” so the endurance rides are good but in order to get fast you need short intense workouts that are FAST! Keep it up!