CTS Coaching Reviews

Hear What CTS Athletes Have To Say About Working With CTS Coaches
Average Rating: 4.9 stars (based on 204 ratings)
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Anne Tisdell has contributed towards my successful Tahoe 200 mile trail run.
She gave me an outcome goal 2nd to finishing that I was able to achieve and be proud of the accomplishment.
She made a contract with me that helped anchor me during the event when I thought my chance of finishing was not realistic.
Her rescue training plan was life saving for my success in Tahoe 200.
Her final week taper plan was a living definition of Jason Koop’s textbook Training Essentails for Ultra Running. This was my first time to experience the benefits of such a well structured psychological and physical taper week.
Her guidance with my crew was unbelievable and again like I have never experienced.

CTS Athlete:Michele Kim Santilhano
CTS Coach:Anne Tisdell

Learning trail running, staying strong and healthy, learning fueling. Great experience very worth it!

CTS Athlete:Hannah Reznecheck
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

I’ve been working with Anne since January preparing for Tahoe 200 (my first 200). Anne is phenomenal. She is a wealth of information, is always timely with responses, and guided me through solid training to complete a 200 miler. Without a doubt, the knowledge she shared and training plan she put in place is the reason I finished.

CTS Athlete:Heather Ordoñez
CTS Coach:Anne Tisdell

Adam has been just what I have needed, and I wish I had started years ago with him. He provides constant and constructive feedback while creating a plan that is tailored to my specific goals of competing in Ultra Marathons. Adam holds me accountable and encourages me along the way and I couldn’t ask for anything more.

CTS Athlete:Tim Vanderhoof
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

Ivana is deeply knowledgable on all topics of bike training. I’ve learned a college course worth of information in just a few months. She also is flexible and adaptable on training schedules and an excellent communicator. The encouragement and leadership role in coaching comes naturally to her.

I was skeptical of the benefit vs the cost of remote coaching, but working with Ivana has surprised me on how truly worthwhile this system can be.

CTS Athlete:Blair Mohn
CTS Coach:Ivana Bisaro

I have worked with Sarah for two separate races and couldn’t be happier with her as my coach. She approaches training as a true partnership and has worked with me to meet my training goals while understanding that life sometimes gets in the way. I wouldn’t have had the success in my races that I had without Sarah. She’s amazing!!!

CTS Athlete:Aaron P Aaker
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Caroline is entertaining and keeps
Me on focus to at least get out and ride

CTS Athlete:Bill Rutherford
CTS Coach:Caroline mani

I took Fred a couple of months before a big ultratrail challenge. He has helped me a lot to adapt my life with the demands of my training. He has adapted very well to my personality and dedicates the time I need to meet my objectives.

We also both speak Spanish so there is no language barrier and communication is super fluid.

Fred brings a vision that is a perfect blend of academia and scientific rigor with practical advice and his experience as both an athlete and a person. Always bring training prescriptions to practical and real considerations.

He is a great coach and I highly recommend him.

CTS Athlete:Benjamín Honour
CTS Coach:Frederic Sabater Pastor

I’m a beginning cyclist and have been working with Noah for the last 10 weeks. Over that time, we have progressively built up my riding stamina through endurance rides and interval training. Yesterday, I did the Cottonwood Pass Classic. It is a 26 mile ride with a 2,600 foot elevation gain with the high point at the Continental Divide at 12,126 feet. I had no idea how I would do on the ride or if I could even complete it. I not only finished but felt really strong the entire way. Although I knew Noah’s training plan was working, yesterday’s performance was the proof! I look forward to continuing to work with Noah towards my main goal which is a multi-day cycling trip in Mallorca, Spain later this year.

CTS Athlete:Jeff Sacra
CTS Coach:Noah Niwinski

Addison helped me prepare off an injury to run a solid, faster than expected, road marathon in minimal training time! He takes the time to understand my fitness progression both in strength workouts as well as the running plan. He’s also helping me to a smooth transition into trail training while still working to keep injuries from cropping back up! Highly recommend! I was paying similar costs to other coaching services and now feel like I’m finally getting my money’s worth!

CTS Athlete:Eric Malkowski
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

Adam helped me prepare for my first 50K and gave me the tools to coach myself for my first fifty mile race. He is very dedicated to learning more about ultrarunning and his athletes.

CTS Athlete:Gabriela Peterson
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

He helped me a lot.
First of all, he made me realize the importance of scientific training.
Secondly, he helped me understand how to become a qualified athlete. Before I met Jason, I didn’t know that many drugs contain stimulants, and athletes are not allowed to touch these drugs. In this regard, he helped me shape the correct values ​​and cognitive concepts.
The most important thing is that he can help me grow faster as an athlete.

CTS Coach:Jason Koop

He has also developed personalized training runs to improve my power and my speed which I was struggling to put together based on all the information available. I love that he has taken all the pressure off of me to learn and understand a plethora of statistics and adjust my training as needed. I leave it in his capable hands. I loved the training camp weekend which was 2 days of running on two sections of the course of my first 100 mile race that I hadn’t run before. All this was done in a very short window of 2.5 months which didn’t give him a lot of time to work with. Although I had serious GI issues from the beginning, my training pulled me through 63 miles. My legs were strong but lack of food and water caught up with me. I feel that it was a great success as I am confident that I can finish 100 miles. Kudos to Adam for building up my body and my confidence. I look forward to more training to get me across that finish line.

CTS Athlete:Kathie Hale
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

Anne is a very talented coach who is personable, attentive and reliable. With her expert program prescription, I’ve seen significant gains towards all my stated goals. I am confident that I will be well prepared for race day.

CTS Athlete:Jon Mertens
CTS Coach:Anne Tisdell

It’s been a great experience so far. A completely different outline to my usually training and I’m noticing the benefits very early on. Bri has been a great coach, very analytical and explains the process really well so I understand why we are training this way and what benefits I will gain from it. I’m really excited to see what the next few months hold

CTS Athlete:Harrison Smith
CTS Coach:Bri Boley

I’ve been working with Nicole for a couple years now through Canyons and now enroute to CCC in August. Nicole has helped me through self driven training camps and a 3 day race at Mammoth Trailfest and Dipsea. Nicole holds a very fine line with me that I have come to appreciate. She doesn’t allow me to get down on myself (when times are tough in training and life) yet also holds the expectation, when appropriate, that I can do more and can push a little more here and there. It’s so delicate and yet she nails it and I more than appreciate it. I hope she gets to read this. Onward to CCC this summer! I’m building well, recovering well, and feeling some confidence already and am a long way out.

CTS Athlete:Michael Loeffler
CTS Coach:Nicole Rasmussen

Working with my coach really helped me to structure my daily running plans in order for them to fit into my longer term goals. Having a coach that would check in and keep me accountable for rest days was also super important, as this is the most difficult part of good training for me. Also, the help with nutrition/hydration was super appreciated! Overall would totally recommend to anyone trying to improve their performance/reach running goals!

CTS Athlete:Brier Youngfleish
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

I came to Addison with a stress fracture on my shin and having not trained for several months. He helped me navigate the progression back to full health and full training volume, and then a half-marathon PR in just a few months. I am excited to keep working with him and confident he’s the best guide I could have as I transition from road races into ultramarathons.

CTS Athlete:Diego Matias Salcovsky
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

Jason has been a wonderful coach, He has helped me greatly improve my cycling skills and fitness. He is always prompt with his responses and is very knowledgeable. The routines and workouts he gives me are great.

CTS Athlete:Dre Elsner
CTS Coach:Jason Simon

J race primarily cyclocross and as a pro CX’er Caroline knows the discipline inside out. Her base season plans have been spot on and are targeted at exactly what I need to improve. I feel the year ahead will be my best season yet!

CTS Athlete:Neil Ashton
CTS Coach:Carolina Mani

Frederic has been great about adapting training when there have been bumps in the road and meeting me where I am at. I’m currently on a pause to recover from some health issues but I’m looking forward to working with Frederic again in a couple of months.

CTS Athlete:Kate Mullock
CTS Coach:Frederic Sabater Pastor

Helped me focus on metrics, BPM, SPM, etc.
Doing workouts with a specific objective

CTS Athlete:Paul LaRusso
CTS Coach:Tamara Kozulina

Coach Clayton, is no nonsense, which has been great for me and helped me push through some excuses and busy schedule to get my workouts in. Looking forward to the final push for my season goal of SBG. Thanks Coach!

CTS Athlete:Jeff Johnston
CTS Coach:Clatyon Feldman

I’ve worked with Coach Tamara for approximately 4 years now. She has consistently helped me achieve every goal I’ve set for myself up to 140.6 mile Ironman races. She is patient, flexible working with my schedule even with last minute changes, and holds me accountable. She is always easily accessible and her friendship and guidance has become part of my daily life.
Thank you Tamara 🙂

CTS Athlete:John Coppola
CTS Coach:Tamara Kozulina

Renee has been challenging me with great workouts and helping keep me moving forward. She has been very helpful scheduling around my sometimes crazy schedule. Her feedback is great and she keeps me motivated.

CTS Athlete:Mark Wenner
CTS Coach:Renee Eastman

Allen does a tremendous job helping me stay focused and is also always aware of the need to stay flexible in my training. He is always encouraging, always available to chat, and always has my best interests in mind. He also keeps our conversations only as technical as necessary and deploys his humor to keep the focus on fun. In less than three months, I am feeling stronger, riding better, and having more fun than I thought could be possible on a bike. I feel extremely fortunate to be working with Allen. Thanks, coach!

CTS Athlete:Gus Janeway
CTS Coach:Allen Yip

Max has given me discipline and also confidence in what my goals are. So far have been very happy and feel I have progressed over the past 3 months.

CTS Athlete:Steve petrone
CTS Coach:Max Shute

The primary benefit of CTS is the structured workout. I must say I can’t figure out how CTS determines the pricing. The formulation of these workouts is not complex and is tailored to the various standard goals a given athlete has (loose weight; train for a race; increase FTP etc), and the details of the workouts are calculated from the FTP field test. It’s almost built for ChatGPT. I very much enjoy the feedback I get from Noah like before my field test. He oozes enthusiasm and support, and I love getting his emails. The comments on Training Peaks are one liners. I think I would appreciate more thoughtful check-ins and discussions about my progress and whether there are options to tweak. It just feels like an awful lot of money every month for prescribed workouts.

CTS Athlete:Michael Angel
CTS Coach:Noah Nowinski

I cannot sing enough praises for Ryne! I had minor experience with trail running and wanted to try an ultramarathon. I knew I could not complete the training alone. I was extremely fortunate to meet Ryne. Right away, he was receptive to my prior experiences and future goals. With a tailored program, Ryne prepared me for my first 50K, which I completed! And then my second 50K!

I threw a curveball, expressing my motivation for open-water swimming! Utilizing his expertise in endurance physiology, Ryne coached me for my first open-water 10Km marathon swim.
Ryne is a true master of his craft, having years of experience as an endurance coach. But what really sets him apart his is qualities as a person and mentor. Obviously one size does not fit all in ultramarathon/endurance training. Ryne will take the time to get to know you, understand the challenges facing your training, and work with you to tailor your training program accordingly. He is accessible, and available when unforeseen challenges arise.

Ryne will view you as an individual with unique dreams. Given the desire and commitment, he will help you reach your goals and unlock your full potential as an endurance athlete.

CTS Athlete:Edwin
CTS Coach:Ryne Andreson

I cannot sing enough praises for Ryne! I had minor experience with trail running and wanted to try an ultramarathon. I knew I could not complete the training alone. I was extremely fortunate to meet Ryne. Right away, he was receptive to my prior experiences and future goals. With a tailored program, Ryne prepared me for my first 50K, which I completed! And then my second 50K!

I threw a curveball, expressing my motivation for open-water swimming! Utilizing his expertise in endurance physiology, Ryne coached me for my first open-water 10Km marathon swim.
Ryne is a true master of his craft, having years of experience as an endurance coach. But what really sets him apart his is qualities as a person and mentor. Obviously one size does not fit all in ultramarathon/endurance training. Ryne will take the time to get to know you, understand the challenges facing your training, and work with you to tailor your training program accordingly. He is accessible, and available when unforeseen challenges arise.

Ryne will view you as an individual with unique dreams. Given the desire and commitment, he will help you reach your goals and unlock your full potential as an endurance athlete.

CTS Athlete:Edwin
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

I was a total skeptic. My friend bought the training for me but I didn’t want to do it. Renee has taught me so much about how to train properly in such a short amount of time. Wish I had done this sooner. Renee is awesome!

CTS Athlete:Ray Kido
CTS Coach:Renee Eastman

Clayton has helped push to to new levels of intensity in my training. I’m seeing huge gains in strength and fitness, because I’m doing more, doing it smarter. I feel a much greater sense of accountability to a training plan Clayton has laid out than I would have on my own. I would not, for example, have put in four hours with long intense intervals on my peloton this Saturday, or gotten out today in 25 mph winds if I didn’t have a training plan to hold to.

Apart from the results, I’m gaining a much better understanding of how training rhythms are building fitness, varying intensity and duration and rest. Much more effective than putting in 90 minutes of junk miles.

CTS Athlete:David hummels
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

Coach Tracey is very knowledgeable about specific needs. She has help not just getting better on the bike. FTP levels going up and peaking at right times. Also very helpful with my weak link . Weight and nutrition. Also funny it’s a pleasure to have a conversations with her … hopefully it will continue until my main goals of the year are achieved. I’m very confident and trust her process

CTS Athlete:Alfredo Guzman
CTS Coach:Tracey Drews

– setting a tailored plan to my needs and scheduling
– setting a plan that positions me for success
– being responsive and clear on his feedback

CTS Athlete:Jorge Arbesu Cardona
CTS Coach:Adam Fernardison

Working with Coach Fitz has opened my eyes to the benefits of customizing and adapting training that is specific to my needs. While I am focused on ultra running, he is also able to prescribe training across other modalities to combine everything into a single plan with the ultimate end goal of making me a better athlete. I’ve had bad experiences in the past with coaches prescribing standard training (i.e. threshold, intervals, long run in a week) that I can accomplish on my own through any training book or website. In addition to the effective training, Coach Fitz thinks about the “other” factors that make preparing for ultra distance races unique (nutrition, temperature, terrain, etc.). We’re just getting started on this journey, but I’m stoked to see how much progress is made after stacking multiple training blocks together.

CTS Athlete:Jonathan Edwards
CTS Coach:John Fitzgerald

First , he’s super attentive . He pays attention to your work and life balance .. he also knows when something is off . He can tell if work is an issue or I’m not feeling well . It’s great to have a coach whom takes the time to get to know who you are as a person. In terms of my progress . I think were seeing some progress . I definitely have learned what specific power “feels” like and I expect my endurance has increased . We set some goals for early races this season so we’ll see in a week or so how much I’ve gained. all in All I’m very pleased.

CTS Athlete:Bryan Norwood
CTS Coach:Mathew Busche

Adam met me exactly where I was in my journey to becoming an Ultra athlete! My schedule was pretty restrictive, but he worked with me to make a massive jump from having run only 1 official marathon to running 100 miles! 11/10 would recommend Adam to anyone looking to level up their running.

CTS Athlete:Luke
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

I’ve spent a lot of time training and have run 100 marathons and ultras but haven’t used a coach. I wanted some help to improve my races and lessen the tough times in these races. After a couple of months I can see the improvement. The big races are coming up and I’m really looking forward to see what I can do.

CTS Athlete:Roger Young
CTS Coach:Neal Palles

I could not be more pleased with the way my coaching is going. Darcy is such a good listener / communicator that I always feel like we are on the same page, She designs training that works toward goals that are important to me and she is always willing to adjust my training “when life happens”. I’m really proud of the progress I’ve made and the things I’ve accomplished in the time we’ve been working together. She’s really intuitive about how my training is going and how I’m feeling physically and psychologically. As an older athlete I appreciate that she understands the differences between me and all her other athletes. She’s just as enthusiastic about my training and performance as she is about her elite runners and cyclists. Cheers to Darcie!’

CTS Athlete:Paul Matheny
CTS Coach:Darcie Murphy

Last year working solo I managed to pull off two separate DNFs, first at Antelope Canyon 100 and then at San Diego 100. Poor planning, poor adaptation, poor nutrition.

I decided to turn things around with a coach. First coach I found raised all the red flags you hear about on the KoopCast – excel sheet, generic comments, even other athletes names in the feedback I got.

I switched over to CTS and started working with Travis last fall. He put me through the ringer with speedwork and a killer training camp. High mileage but smart mileage. Nutrition and session feedback down to a tee.

I walked up to the starting line of Rocky Raccoon 100 with zero aches, and despite rain, thunder, and mud, the day just cruised by. Out of 440 starters, only 165 finished this year – the lowest year on record. I somehow pulled off 29th and sub-24. It was hard work, but genuinely the credit goes to Travis’s programming and guidance to getting there. Looking forward to now setting more PRs with him in the future!

CTS Athlete:Jackson Brougher
CTS Coach:Travis Lavin

Working with Frederic has been simple.
We don’t have many online meetings- we don’t need. We just have quick catch up messages via WhatsApp which works well for me.

Since joining up with Frederic my fitness has improved significantly- see the attached photo.
I feel stronger and fitter and Frederic is helping me train for my last attempt at an ultra in Madeira in April, that I have DNFd three times. I’m confident that I’m going to finish it this year -thanks to Frederic’s guidance.

I find Frederic’s training plans simple to follow and he’s always prompt to amend training sessions when a last minute change is required.

It has been a pleasure to work with him.

CTS Athlete:Chris Smith
CTS Coach:Frederic Sabater Pastor

AJW keeps a close eye on my training and guides me to achieve my goals. It is a pleasure to work with someone like him.

CTS Athlete:Ricardo Lucas
CTS Coach:Andy Jones Wilkins

Allen has been so great! I enjoy his style. Very friendly and engaging!
I highly recommend!

CTS Athlete:Zachary Smith
CTS Coach:Allen Yip

Having a program of workouts is great for me. Working out on my own is such a random exercise in picking what I should be doing every day. Coach Jeana has been supportive and very responsive to me having to make changes to my schedule. Really looking forward to continuing.

CTS Athlete:Steve castleberry
CTS Coach:Jeana Miller

Nicole met me exactly where I was at with my ultramarathon training. Having not had a very positive experience with my previous coaches and coming off the back of an overwhelmingly busy few years, I felt ready to prioritise my training and wanted a coach who I could trust to be in my corner. I knew going to CTS whoever I was matched with I would be in good hands because of the professionalism and established reputation. I wanted to work with Nicole for two reasons – her strength training background and the fact that she was a working mum with three children. I wish I had started with Nicole sooner and I am feeling excited about what’s possible!

CTS Athlete:Hannah Walsh
CTS Coach:Nicole Rasmussen

Nicole helps me stay consistent, answers my questions, provides feedback and gives me more confidence in completing my goals.

CTS Athlete:Gillian Smith
CTS Coach:Nicole Rasmussen

Working with Coach Fitz has been a fantastic experience and I’ve definitely seen improvements in my running, racing and fitness in the 6 months he has been my coach. The knowledge he has on the sport and training that he has relayed to me on our coaching calls is invaluable. I look forward to working with him for a long time and seeing what is possible with my Ultrarunning career. I would highly recommend Coach Fitz to any Ultrarunner who wants to push their running to new levels and discover what good training and good coaching really is.

CTS Athlete:Austin Newblom
CTS Coach:John Fitzgerald

My coach has helped me immensely, I’m really enjoying working with him. He reviews my files, gives me feedback and provides quality advice for workouts. We have a call every 2 weeks and I really feel like he’s on my team. Couldn’t say enough good things about working with Ryne to-date.

CTS Athlete:Chris Michelau
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

Helping structure my workouts and educating me on nutrition. I also appreciate that she has taken the time to get to know me which I think helps with my overall training. Looking forward to continuing with Nicole.

CTS Athlete:Pete Griggs
CTS Coach:Nicole Rasmussen

Adam. What an amazing coach.

After having attempted my first 100 mile before Adam, I decided I wanted to take it serious and go at it again.
Instantly when I met Adam, he was very welcoming and on board in helping me reach my goals. I trained for 3 different ultras with Adam as my coach and the word I will say is, its like family. He was always checking in, having engaging conversations; it is like I was talking to my older brother all the while having the professional guidance and accountability as a coach.

I highly recommend Adam as any distance of an Ultra coach. He always considers all of the variables and angles of attack to the race. He always added a fresh perspective to my races that I did not consider.

Thank you for an amazing experience and for being an amazing coach.
You are awesome Adam.


CTS Athlete:Ryan Naar
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

Working with Ryne over the past several months led to a huge success in several ultra marathons. The longest distance was a 50 mile and there was also a two day event that I competed in. With Ryne’s coaching I was able to hit all my hydration and nutrition goals, able to finish, have fun and even place exceptionally well in my age group. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a coach.

CTS Athlete:Zach boleyn
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

So far Neal has helped me focus on what matters most in this time of the year (adding intensity and holding back on overall volume to avoid risk of injury).

CTS Athlete:Henrik Frank Nielsen
CTS Coach:Neal Palles

I crashed and broke ribs and a collarbone. Off the bike and off training for at least six weeks then start all over.

I like working w Maddison when I can ride

CTS Athlete:Mike Issa
CTS Coach:Maddison

Things have been pretty good working with John. He is a master pushing me to get everything out of me that he can.

CTS Athlete:Carl Pinkney
CTS Coach:John Croom

I am training with Kellie Moylan to get me ready for a trail marathon in late summer 2024. I am a “non-runner” and I have recently retired, so I wanted help and expertise from a trainer, both for learning and for external accountability.

So far I am super pleased with the coach/athlete dynamic. Kellie provides insights after each run and strength workout and she is available any time I have questions or need clarification.

Kellie is genuinely invested in my progress, health, and fitness, and is making sure I get through my training while staying strong and injury-free. She is setting me up for success!

P.S. here is what I looked like finishing my fastest 5K, I came in 2nd in my age group and I’ll be able to run my 26.2 mile trail race next summer for sure!

CTS Athlete:Emily Cookson
CTS Coach:Kellie Moylan

Adam is the best coach! He’s extremely knowledgeable about anything I ask him and if he isn’t quite sure about a question I have, he’ll go research it and come back with in-depth explanations . I had concerns about working with a male coach as a woman, but Adam is totally comfortable with me discussing any issues I have training around my various cycle phases. I feel comfortable setting 5- and 10-year goals with him because I’m confident that I won’t feel the need to change my coach. He’s extremely supportive but also didn’t have a problem telling me to check mindset when I was getting too competitive with where I sat in comparison to other runners. I’ve been able to grow a lot over the past year with his coaching and realize the importance of taking care of myself as an athlete outside of my training runs. He helps me set realistic goals but also supports when I’m wanting to push myself. I was able to set a course record for a last person standing and place second at a 100k with his coaching. I’d recommend him to anybody!

CTS Athlete:Mary Namestnik
CTS Coach:Adam Ferdinandson

Has only been 3 months but really happy with how things are going. Totally new for me to be doing structured workouts. Looking forward to see how things progress.

CTS Athlete:Michael Koester
CTS Coach:Julia Priest

I hired a coach to add some variety to my workouts and make the most of the time I could dedicate over the course of a week. Ryne was fantastic at both keeping things fresh with purpose while building a schedule with enough flexibility to adapt if life suddenly got in the way. He is very easy to talk to over the phone and quick to respond to text messages with questions that popped up on occasion. I also really appreciated him really digging in after I had a bad race to understand why things went wrong and revamped my entire training plan leading up to my next race to ensure we addressed some of the issues I had. The result was me walking into my next race full of confidence and successfully finishing. The only reason I am currently stopping coaching is that my wife and I are welcoming our first child very soon and I simply cannot dedicate the same time to my running. If I end up hiring a coach again at some point in the future, I have no doubt that I’ll be reaching out to Ryne again!

CTS Athlete:André LeFebvre
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

Our weekly updates are a pleasure and I always look forward to chatting with Julia. Though I have been studying the metrics on training peaks for a while, she always has insights to offer that further my understanding. Her training plans are well thought out and she gives me the information needed so I really understand how to perform to maximize my training. I love that she has so much experience and knowledge that she can give me a personal plan for my races, it really helps me settle in and be less nervous and to believe in my ability to do more than I thought I could. She also understands I’m a working mom and wife and puts in allowances for life and being a “time stressed cyclist”. I feel lucky she accepted me into her coaching practice. Thank you!

CTS Athlete:Avery Wilmanns
CTS Coach:Julia Priest

Can’t say enough good things! Very knowledgeable and easy to talk to. I will definitely be working with him again!

CTS Athlete:Gabe Niehof
CTS Coach:Matt Freeman

Matt is very knowledgeable and professional. I have previously tried another coach who left me wondering why I’m even training with a one. It took me by surprise when I realized that Matt is actually listening to me, he’s checking my ride stats and progress, and most of all, I feel that all the guesswork is gone from my training. I’m new to cycling, and any question I have, Matt has an answer.
During my first two months with Matt my FTP has improved quite a bit, and I’m excited to see how my cycling looks next spring and summer.
I was really lucky to get Matt as my coach.

CTS Athlete:Susann
CTS Coach:Matt Freeman

Maddison Russell has done a wonderful job as my coach for the past year. I have been cycling for 40 years and this was my first experience working with a coach. Maddison set up an excellent program for me that seemed remarkably well calibrated in terms of both training stress and recovery. I quickly gained confidence in the program he established, which was helpful for my motivation and made the training more enjoyable. I learned a lot in the process. For instance, in the past I did not schedule enough recovery and endurance rides and was not sufficiently regimented in my fueling for long rides. I look forward to working with Maddison in the future!

CTS Athlete:Bill Kier
CTS Coach:Maddison Russell

Patrick helped me ease back into running postpartum and train for a trail marathon. I’m beyond grateful for his approach, his flexibility with my family/work schedules, the thoughtfulness he puts into the training plans and weekly comms, and his extensive knowledge of training, recovery, and injury prevention. He listened to my body’s needs, especially being postpartum, and built a training plan that included specific strength exercises, along with a running plan to built mileage and incorporated speed work and hills. He pushed me, was genuine in all our interactions, and cheered me along the whole way. Couldn’t recommend him more. THANK YOU PATRICK!

CTS Athlete:Libby
CTS Coach:Patrick McGlade

Ivana has been great. She communicates really well. Takes the time to get to know you and find out how she can help you to improve.

CTS Athlete:Jay Brecknell
CTS Coach:Ivana

Patrick got me to the start and finish line of another tough 100 miler healthy and strong! He understands the distance. This is the second 100 miler I have completed with Patrick as a coach. He takes into consideration my busy work schedule. Maximizing the workouts for the time I do have to train. He has been accessible, responsive and quick to adjust the schedule if needed ( and keeps training fun!). Patrick is everything I have been looking for in a coach!

CTS Athlete:Suzanne Ehler
CTS Coach:Patrick McGlade

Sarah has been wonderful to have as a coach! From the very beginning she has taken the time to understand my needs and limitations and she put together a training plan to fit into my busy schedule. She is always quick to respond to emails/texts and I appreciate the timely feedback on my runs to keep me on track. I’ve made significant gains in my running and I feel stronger and healthier than ever!

CTS Athlete:Chris Carver
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I am very grateful to have Nicole as my running coach. I am confident that she thoughtfully considers my specific physical, emotional and situational needs when creating training plans for upcoming races. Through her frequent communication, she provides objective and affirming feedback, advice for moving forward and continuous encouragement. I am developing as a runner because of Nicole’s commitment to providing such an individualized and personal training plan for each of her athletes.

CTS Athlete:Shannon McNamara-Smith
CTS Coach:Nicole Rasmussen

Coach Lavin has been great to work with. The program he developed has been demanding but within my personal abilities. It was easy to understand and if I had questions the responses were quick. The best part of the program was having the accountability knowing I had a coach expecting to see my run data and subjective feedback from me. In addition, the coach’s feedback on my workouts helped me better understand my performance.

CTS Athlete:Josh Laker
CTS Coach:Travis Lavin

His structure, responsiveness and adjustments to my training has definitely improved my running. Can’t say enough good things about working with Travis.

CTS Athlete:Giles Hohn
CTS Coach:Travis Lavin

He has helped me have a complete plan for each week but still leave room for fun rides. He has responded to my questions and comments and helps me train for my races.

CTS Athlete:Josh Anderson
CTS Coach:Matt Freman

Colin has helped in every aspect of my endurance cycling pursuits. From power to fueling to recovery to race strategy, he has applied his wealth of experience and adapted his coaching to my individual needs, talents and issues. He cares about your success and your enjoyment through the process. I have been with him for well over a year and highly recommend him and CTS for any serious endurance athlete.

CTS Athlete:David Saporta
CTS Coach:Colin Izzard

Addison’s coaching is a game-changer. Over two seasons, he’s fueled my progress from 20k to 100k races. His holistic support covers training, fueling, gear, and race prep, all backed by invaluable feedback. Our weekly catch-ups optimize strategies, nutrition, and gear adjustments – a race-prep lifeline. Thanks to Addison, I’ve conquered longer distances, elevated results, and savored training and racing like never before. Highly recommended.

CTS Athlete:Sebastien
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

Been working with Andy for years and he is really the best.

CTS Athlete:Kenneth Klein
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Thanks to my coach, I was making great progress with improvement towards my goal. My coach was amazing! As soon as my doctor releases me to ride, I will be back with her with new goals. Training without a coach makes no sense!

CTS Athlete:Chris Poe
CTS Coach:Renee Eastman

My coach Addison Smith has been fantastic, 10/10, 5 stars! He has helped me immensely and the race at the end of this month will be great because of his coaching.

CTS Athlete:Skyler Hathcock
CTS Coach:Addison Smith

I’d like to give major kudos to Ryne for his help with prepping me for a number of trail races including a Mont Blanc trail running vacation! I started working with him 6 months ago and I’m more fit than I’ve been in years. When I first started trail running at age 53, I didn’t use a coach. I’d run myself into the ground or not train enough or correctly. Then at 58, I thought my athletic career was soon to be over. That was until I reached out to CTS and got hooked up with Ryne. He got me dialed in and has helped me improve tremendously! We’ve focused on endurance training and getting my body more durable for the ultras that I want to do. Additionally, his training has helped ignite a fire to keep me running and racing. He’s been super responsive with getting back information that I need and telling me what I don’t need. I can see now that with the help of a great coach like Ryne, I can continue to be competitive for many more years!

CTS Athlete:Tab Tollett
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

It has helped me on my goal of riding in and successfully finishing Paris-Brest-Paris this August. I have greater physical endurance and mental fortitude than when I worked with Jason in the past–and much of it is due to working with Jason this year. Looking forward to the future.

CTS Athlete:Jan Dembinski
CTS Coach:Jason Siegle

El Jefe or fearless leader as I know him has gone above and beyond my plan. I signed up for the cheapest one as funds are tight and I live in Indonesia. He has gone out of his way countless times( I’v been wearing 5 fingers for years like a dirty hippie I feel Koop’s eyes rolling). When I told Frederic that and my hippie shoes he didn’t flinch and just said if that’s what you want we will work with that.

He responds promptly and we chat regularly, and with great insights. He lets me do what I feel is right for me with great guidance and has worked around all different issues with terrain my lifestyle living in a small village in , Bali that barely has roads.

I will use his technique in my own coaching for swimming and freediving and hope that he gets the recognition he deserves as he is an amazing human and ya just a good dude that is there to help and what more coaches need to do, listen. He truly has changed me as an athlete and a coach/ teacher.

CTS Athlete:Teagan Kane
CTS Coach:Frederic Sabater-Pastor

I am so glad my running buddy sent me to CTS, and even happier I was paired with coach Andy Jones-Wilkins. I learned a ton from him about keeping it simple, staying out of my head, structuring a periodized training cycle, and dealing with illness/injury during a build-up to a goal race. I gained more fitness in 6 months of coaching than I ever had over the previous 3 years of ultrarunning on my own. Results aside, AJW makes his athletes feel like they’re the center of attention. I always felt heard, scheduling a call was never difficult, and no question was stupid. He’s also a really funny guy so our calls were always something I looked forward to. I strongly recommend both coach AJW and CTS!

CTS Athlete:Nathan Schirra
CTS Coach:Andy Jones-Wilkins

I am very happy with my decision to work with Ryne. He has created a training block for me that has me feeling fit, confident and–most important–injury free! Ryne has done a fantastic job communicating with me and explaining my training and then adjusting my training based on how I have handled the miles as well as my feedback and my schedule. I could not be happier with how things are going and I am very excited to test my fitness at the MMT 100 in a few weeks!

CTS Athlete:Llewelyn Engel
CTS Coach:Coach Ryne Anderson

Clayton helped coach me from a true novice to a cyclist. He was patient, knowledgeable, and available. He was a pleasure to work with as well.

CTS Athlete:David Carlson
CTS Coach:Clayton

Ryne is an absolute badass, great coach and I can’t imagine working with someone else. He is helping me level up consistently over time.

CTS Athlete:Evan
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

Working with Jeana is amazing. She has been extremely helpful in setting and achieving my goals. She is always positive and transmits a “can do” attitude. She is also very flexible in changing/adapting my training and goals when life sends the inevitable curve ball or injury. She works with both my wife and me and coordinates our training while at the same time treating us like individual athletes. She also takes the time to meet up with us whenever possible for a ride, skiing, or just a social get together.

CTS Athlete:Doug Benedon
CTS Coach:Jeana Miller

The two main factors that make a coach worth it are 1. they understand the science of foundational zone training and can proscribe an effective escalation of training load designed to help you meet your goals – 2. Your are accountable to someone else for your efforts – there are definitely times when you just do not want to get on the bike but knowing that coaching call is coming is a significant motivating factor.

CTS Athlete:Jonathan Costa
CTS Coach:Ruben Bacon

Before training with Ryne I didn’t have an ultra coach. I trained by talking to other runners, reading, and listening to my body. After each race, I knew there must be another level that I’d never achieve without a coach. Ryne was an amazing coach who put together well designed runs, gave valuable feedback, and designed a plan to help me beat my goal.

Here is some more info written by my wife:

“I figured I better post an update! Not only did he finish, he killed the Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Trail Race this year. He beat his first year by OVER AN HOUR. Derek finished his first Rocky in 22 hours. This year he finished in 20 hours 50 minutes. He beat his last finish by an hour and 10 minutes. The first year he finished he was exhausted and completely worn out, barely making it to the finish line after starting the race too fast. This year he was prepared and had a plan. Not a single person passed him for the last two laps (that’s 40 miles) and he passed person after person. This year he finished strong and he felt strong.”

CTS Athlete:Derek Mills
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

Jim has been awesome. In the short time I have been training with him he has brought me to a level I have not been in a number of years. He is in tune with my health and the energy I have available to train. He communicates well. It has been great to have his guidance with the training plan. The direction and feedback I get with Training peaks is a great motivator. The detailed descriptions of his workouts are perfect and leaves zero possibility of error. I like Jim’s comments on how the training is going and that we get to talk most weeks even if no problems exist. The extra motivation, direction, and opinions are all greatly appreciated. I am hoping that my body will continue to handle the training as it has so far.
Thanks Jim

CTS Athlete:Dirk Martin
CTS Coach:Jim Lehman

It’s an honor and a privilege to work with someone of Andy Jones-Wilkin’s stature. He has been around ultrarunning for a long time, has finished at the very front of the pack at some of the most prestigious ultras but enjoys the back-of-the-packers just as much. He’s kind, humble, sincere and a great advocate for the sport. He’s quick to laugh and I love a coach (or anyone) with a good sense of humor. AJW is good for the sport. His love of the sport is infectious and that helped encourage me to reach for greater challenges like the 50-miler and soon 100-miler. He’s quick to respond, and make adjustments when life gets in the way. The training he provided me as well as the personal communication helped me to run my first 50-miler with no issues. I I had a great day and was amazed that the training helped prepare me to actually run almost the entire 50-miles. I’ve run all my life but that was a revelation. It made me feel like anything was possible!

CTS Athlete:Erin Quinn
CTS Coach:Andy Jones-Wilkins

Working with Ryne was a big help for my training. He was willing to help out a younger athlete with a busy schedule and worked to make my training as streamlined as possible. We had excellent communication and he provided lots of useful feedback on my activities. Without his help, I would have never gotten to the start line of a 100-miler. Would highly recommend!

CTS Athlete:Luca Pass
CTS Coach:Ryne Anderson

Max understands how to coach, and what a cyclist needs. He’s easy to work with and responsive anytime I have a question or want to chat. I couldn’t ask for a better coach.

CTS Athlete:Keith Ward
CTS Coach:Max Shute

He has adapted the workouts to my availability, this helped me to keep on track, I even had a minor injury but he adapted things so that we could make it recover very well.
Before I just trained as much as I could, now with his planning that includes increases in demand and enough rest periods I feel much better overall.

CTS Athlete:Rodrigo Sainz Trapaga
CTS Coach:Max Schute

Coach Ruben has been the best thing for me as far as cycling and getting results from the sport I truly enjoy. Ruben really displays professionalism, concern and a passion as a coach. I am fortunate to have connected with him and being guided by him. Yes, indeed my game has changed. He has told me the steps we would be taking and how I would feel at the start of our program and sure enough it has been that very way. It’s amazing that he knows my body limits and I look forward every day to waking up and hitting the program he has layed out for me. He is a quality individual and I know he represents CTS in the highest degree. Can’t say enough good things about my coach….just super glad he’s my coach.

CTS Athlete:Saul Nunez
CTS Coach:Ruben Bacon

Andy is the coach I looked for, for five years. Of course he knows his technical stuff. Where he shines is both listening to what I know about myself and suggesting workouts that push my fitness and self concepts. I work harder when I don’t have complex workouts. He gives me blocks of intervals that don’t require much thinking, just time them and put in the effort. No complexity to trip me up. My recovery from heart-valve surgery accelerated with his thoughtful, challenging intervals and foundation work. I’m impressed that I’ve gained stamina even as I’ve gotten well past the 70 year mark with more than seven years of previous demanding training.

I will workout on my own, but I workout more often and more regularly when a coach posts workouts and gives me actionable feedback afterwards. I have lots of questions and he gives thoughtful answers, suggests reasons, and encourages experimentation. And what a bonus that he was a competitive tandem rider and understands the demands of a couple riding together as well as my miles on a single bike.

CTS Athlete:Jay Livingston
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Coach Ruben has given me what I needed to achieve results and grow my cycling abilities to a level not even I thought I could achieve. He’s positive, accommodating, understands issues with training and family life and how it affects us. Very willing to adjust my schedule to keep me moving forward.

I wouldn’t want another Coach.


CTS Athlete:Dave Butcher
CTS Coach:Ruben Bacon

Renee is one of the most knowledgeable coaches on cycling, nutrition, and weight training. She easily explains complex ideas in ways that I can understand the science. She puts the the science behind the workouts, into words that I easily grasp. Her dry sense of humor is so helpful after a hard workout. When I feel like a failure when I can’t finish a workout, she makes me feel better about acknowledging the effort versus just looking at the results. I am just an average cyclist wanting to be the best I can, but I feel like I get coached by Renee like I am an elite cyclist preparing for an important race. There is not much more I can say that can describe how lucky I feel to be coached by her.

CTS Athlete:Daniel Scrafford
CTS Coach:Renee Eastman

My first year with Andy was tackling the Leadman series of events in 2019. I headed into round 1 of 6 fitter and more confident than ever. By the time I crossed the finish line in the Leadville Trail 100 run, the last event, I had accomplished more that I thought possible. Andy helped me accomplish my biggest goal to date injury free and with the fitness I needed. We continue to work together on more goals in 2022. Knowing Andy is in my corner is an added advantage. I know I am getting the most out of my training. I can’t thank Andy enough!

CTS Athlete:Tim Maloney
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

She is amazing!

I could not be happier!

CTS Athlete:cheryl parrish
CTS Coach:Jeana Miller

It has been interesting so far, building the coach/athlete relationship. It is all new for me. While I committed to listening and learning before I started, part of me pushes back on certain aspects of the training that are so very different from what I have been doing up until this point (and doing relatively well). I wanted to get better faster and be able to do all of this for as long as possible. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from Fitzy. The more we communicate the more the relationship is being understood, on my end at least. Recovery and the importance of it has been the biggest learning situation so far, but the different training blocks are also exciting and new to me. Can’t wait to see where it goes.

CTS Athlete:Kenna Brock
CTS Coach:John Fitzgerald

I am stronger and faster while learning more about the techniques used for my improvement and how to process the variations that come over time!

CTS Athlete:Henry S. Limbocker
CTS Coach:John Croom

In my short time working with Jason, I’ve completed workouts – getting up to 2x40min @ 90% of FTP – that I never previously thought I would be able to do. And we are working with a work to recovery ratio – 3 weeks on, 1 week recovery / max efforts – that seems to be a ratio I’m tolerating well, plus the CTS ramp rate so far has gotten me to an overall load / CTL that is the highest I’ve ever hit.

On the pure coaching level, Jason clearly explains what we are doing, and why he’s chosen the specific workouts and the goal for the period we are in. And for me, working with a more data driven coach aligns more with how I think.

The only suggestion I have, and I think this is across CTS, would be to integrate strength sessions into coaching. Or have the ability to have a strength coaching & assessment done, and then a plan developed that would integrate well with the cycling plan.

CTS Athlete:Matthew Beckwith
CTS Coach:Jason Siegle

Clayton listens and plans challenging yet attainable workouts. I would highly and enthusiastically recommend him to other mountain bikers who want to improve.

CTS Athlete:Stu Gibson
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

I am very happy to be working with Corrine. She has helped me integrate interval workouts into my training in a way that helps me prevent injuries, which was always a problem when I tried on my own. She has also helped me understand and appreciate the importance of rest days; I can really feel the benefit when I run after a rest day as my legs feel much fresher.

I also feel less beat up after races. My times have not improved overall but I feel stronger and am climbing better. I do believe I will start to see improvement in finishing times as this year progresses, but if not, that is fine, my goal at this point is to continue running and racing for as long as I can.

Thanks Corrine and CTS!


CTS Athlete:Larry Huffman
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

Working with Corrine has helped me to have a more balanced and healthful approach to running and goal-setting. She understands my emotions after both good and bad performances and helps me manage them to set healthy goals to work toward next. I’ve done some of the best long runs and workouts of my life with Corrine’s guidance and she has kept me honest about recovery and periodicity, which has kept me completely healthy!

She’s also very easy to communicate with and I enjoy using TrainingPeaks to plan/track my training.

CTS Athlete:Mike McMonagle
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

I’ve been working with Sarah for 8 months and couldn’t be happier with every aspect. While I don’t need constant communication, I value our regular check-ins and appreciate that Sarah is paying attention to all the comments I add, even my most trivial commentary I add to Training Peaks. This year has by far been my most consistent running year and I 100% attribute that to Sarah’s coaching. I’ve previously struggled with building my volume appropriately and therefore experienced many load injuries but this year (touch wood as it’s not over) since working with Sarah, I haven’t experienced any and feel my body is significantly more resilient. I know we’ve only just scratched the surface, too! With my previous coach I doubted my ability to simply withstand the physical toll on my body from endurance running as I had experienced many stress injuries. Now I don’t question that at all. That’s not because Sarah’s told me I can do it, that’s because she’s provided me the framework and support to see the transformation in myself and build a body (and mind) that CAN do it!

CTS Athlete:Jazz Rowland
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I’ll preface this review with the fact that I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a Bachelors’ Degree in Exercise Science. I’m a trail/ultra coach myself and was looking for a coach who could truly challenge me physically and was someone I could learn from to better my own coaching. Corrine is the cream of the crop. I super appreciated her respect for the science, but also has tremendous experience to draw from. I DNF’d the Run Rabbit Run 100 back in 2016 and finally decided to give it another go. I hired Corrine to make absolutely sure that I could complete my goal, and in a way that I felt proud of. But I’m a busy dad who runs a business… Corrine was easy to work with and respected my schedule and life obligations. I highly recommend working with CTS and especially Corrine. They’re doing it right. The bar for entry to be a coach these days is LOW, and at CTS they make sure you’ll have a solid coach who can get you where you want to be!

CTS Athlete:AJ Cohen
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

Excellent Coach!

CTS Athlete:Justin Biggs
CTS Coach:Jason Siegle

Nina has been a tremendous aid to growing my strength and endurance on the bike. I like both MTB and gravel and she has convinced me the workouts are working to enable better cycling on all my bikes. I enjoy the explanations of what the goals of the workouts are. Before CTS I did not think I was data driven – and although I am probably still pretty low key on that compared to a lot of your athletes I like to understand the Why and then look at the results. But ultimately I get the results when out on the weekend rides.
Nina has also been a coach on the mental aspects when I struggle with feeling “good enough”. She is a great human and has an easy way of delivering advice and relating to me.

I look forward to continuing with her not only for a goal event but for year round growth.

CTS Athlete:Linda L Walden
CTS Coach:Nina McLaughlin

The accountability has really helped, in addition to his wealth of knowledge. He’s very motivating and super helpful when we need to adapt.

CTS Athlete:Mike Cunningham
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

I was coming back from an 18-month long injury, and wanted to add strength training to my workouts in order to be a more durable ultrarunning athlete moving forward. She built a great program for me that got me to my A goal safely and stronger than ever. We had a wonderful chat about my running history (and any injuries) and she incorporated directives from physical therapy. She’s also a fantastic communicator and was super flexible when I had to adjust my schedule last minute due to work or family issues. I’ve worked with other coaches before, so it’s not my first rodeo, and I absolutely loved everything she brought to the coaching relationship! I can’t wait to work towards other goals with her in the future!

CTS Athlete:Ana Hinz
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I wasn’t sure about how a coach would help me at first. I’m not an elite runner and I don’t train full-time. However, I do enjoy running/racing and while my training had some structure, I guessed it could be better. Hiring Sarah took things to a much better place. Taking out the randomness of my running program and having a professional coach listen to my goals and then tailor a training plan to not only suit those goals, but also work with my specific capabilities has been remarkable. Sarah’s positive attitude, attention to detail, thorough commentary to all my questions, inquisitive and thoughtful questions of me, and just her constant support of my goals has been remarkable. She is easy to talk to, quick to respond, usually has an idea or two in her pocket, but is also willing to research the answer if oddball questions come up. The quality of my training has improved dramatically and having Sarah on my team has already proven race beneficial as well.

CTS Athlete:Brian Gamble
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Sarah has been awesome at helping me train smarter. The strength training has helped tremendously in making me feel stronger on the trails. She’s been awesome at adjusting training based on the scheduling constraints life throw at me. I recently injured my leg and having a coach adjust things and go to for advice has been amazing. I feel much more prepared than i have in the past.

CTS Athlete:Ryan Bascom
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I am trying Reid’s patience with electronics. We really haven’t progressed past getting TP & Garmin working. Hoping I am past that.
I am working the plans Reid has sent.
I do travel a bit which has also been a challenge also.
Feeling some benefit. Not as such value as I thought possible. Again it’s dealing with electronic hop up w/TP. Spending vast majority trying to figure out what isn’t happening electronically. Again I think we have a path that is working….not really sure yet

CTS Athlete:Kent Thompson
CTS Coach:Reid Beloni

I have improved my training tremendously. I am encouraged to squeeze out more training time from my schedule. Clayton is realistic, and encouraging. I improved my time at my last event to the best I’ve done in about 5 years.

CTS Athlete:Brendan Sheehan
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

It gives me structure and also add more intensity and speed work

CTS Athlete:Claude Dardant
CTS Coach:Andy Jones Wilkins

He has given me a training plan and held me accountable. He always comments on my training and gives me suggestions. I had no expectations on how much I would improve but knew if there was no one pushing me then I would not ride in the hot humid conditions here in Atlanta. For that reason, this has been a great approach and I hope to gain more insights into training and the use of a power meter in training.

CTS Athlete:Alan Sunshine
CTS Coach:Noah Niwinski

I’ve been working with Josh for a couple months and found Josh is great about responding when I send a request for assistance. He is knowledgeable and friendly. The friendly part is important to me, but might not matter for a lot of people. Josh seems to genuinely care about my needs. His cycling knowledge and willingness to share has helped me a lot.

CTS Athlete:Anthony B Dickinson
CTS Coach:Josh Whitmore

I have nothing but positive things to say about coaching with Andy. From January to May my training with my previous coach had been flat. Too much volume, no intensity. Fitness CTL was stalled. Since the switch to CTS and training with Andy my CTL fitness has greatly increased. The big surprise is that we were able to get these gains despite a major knee injury. Andy has been diligent in working around my busy work/family life as well as my injuries. I was super nervous going into Bigfoot 200 but as it turns out I need to trust more in my training. Given the injuries, my goal was to finish and not make things worse. Not only did I do that, I think I may be more fit than I was going into the race. This week will tell, but I am fully trusting my training at this point.

CTS Athlete:Ken Lewis
CTS Coach:Andy Jones Wilkins

Extraordinary and very professional and knowleadble . Very happy working with her.

CTS Athlete:Max Fischbach
CTS Coach:Ivana Bisaro

Stephanie has been very helpful:

– Emphasizing the importance of leg treatment, specifically stretching and massage. I had a knee issue for months, and after some ideas and encouragement from her, my knee is as healthy as it’s been in awhile.
– She keeps me accountable – without a coach, I wouldn’t be getting out the door day-in, day-out. That’s been one of the primary reasons for my improvement.
– I was winging it with training plans previously – the plan she’s developed for me is more focused on data-driven results.

Two areas where I’d like to continue improving:
– Understanding the “why” and the science behind the training plan. We’ve talked about doing a phone call as she designs 2-3 weeks of a training plan so I can understand why she prescribes what distances and at what intensity. I haven’t had a chance to advocate more for this. I’d like to learn more.
– I want to take advantage of the nutrition consultation that is part of the level of coaching I signed up for.

Overall, I’ve enjoyed working with Coach Stephanie immensely!

CTS Athlete:Justin Villere
CTS Coach:Stephanie Howe

Maddison has made a positive impact in my overall health. I truly believe that having a coach to be accountable has added years on to my career as a surgeon. My biking performance has improved year to year. Below is a summary of positives and areas that could be improved upon for Maddison.


1. Maddison is always responsive to emails. He will adjust my schedule based on my personal professional or travel obligations.
2. He will build a workout schedule that accommodates my work obligations.
3. He addresses non-workout issues such as bike set-up. Working around injuries.
4. Is honest about performance. Manages my expectations. Doesn’t tell me what I want to hear.
5. Takes my training seriously even though I am not a true high performing athlete.
6. He has not allowed personal issues such as deaths in the family or injuries to keep him from his coaching responsibilities.

Areas of improvement.

Being a older individual I have asked about other cross training exercises that can be done, such as weight lifting, lower body exercises or core workout to supplement my fitness and performance. There has not been follow through to add specific alternative exercises to the official workout schedule.

CTS Athlete:Ron Thoman
CTS Coach:Maddison Russel

I’m kind of a challenge, 61 years old, trying to transition from being a cyclist for over 35 years to going after some ultra running goals I set. My body isn’t built for running, so I’ve been fighting injuries ever since I had this vision quest, and ultimately I wasn’t able to complete the big goal of finishing the LT100 run, I’ve completed many many others that I couldn’t have done with Duncan’s help, knowledge, and guidance, he made adjustments when and where needed. I’ve ran countless 50K runs, a 50 mile run, and achieved much more than just running improvements. He’s a class act.

CTS Athlete:Larry Price
CTS Coach:Duncan Callahan

I didn’t know what to expect as this is my first time working with a professional personal coach. Sarah’s experience and adventuress attitude has been so helpful while I have been preparing for my first 100 miles distance while running a 24 hour race. I have 6 weeks to go and she has me training long and hard, while listening to me and checking my stats to make sure I don’t push to hard, get burnt-out (as I have before self coaching) or get injured before my big challenge. I am so glad I made the decision to use CTS and work with Sarah.

CTS Athlete:Paul Lear
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I just finished the 120 miles of TransRockies in Colorado. My coach Sarah Scozzaro has been wonderful in my preparation for the 6 day event. I went into TRR feeling confident and completed the miles without any issues. She is always helpful and encouraging! Thank you so much Coach Scozzaro!

CTS Athlete:Dana Roark
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Working with Dave has expanded my expectations of the results of working with a coach. I expected to fundamentally be faster and have better endurance, what I did not expect is all the other areas that developed with the work such as on bike strength and agility, confidence (and calmness) in navigating unexpected situations approaching lengthy rides and difficult courses/terrain along with transforming my mental approach to a workout or race.

Through Dave’s guidance rather than participating in athletics, today I consider myself an endurance athlete

CTS Athlete:Jeffery Hill
CTS Coach:Dave Sheek

Working with Sarah was from the start amazing!
Her explanations and training schedules are easy to understand but with a lot scientific background (which she will gladly explain thoroughly)
We worked together for 8 months for 1 main goal, which is the SwissAlps100 (100 Mile with 10 000 vert m) and I have never felt so ready in my life to experience this race.
Even with my slightly overambitious and rebellious nature, Sarah adapted perfectly to what I wanted and made sure that anything I had in mind was done according to the great plan.

The energy Sarah brought with her during our calls were extremely motivating and made you look forward to every hard week.

CTS Athlete:Geert Paelinck
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Thanks to Matt I now ride the whole spectrum of efforts, from low endurance up to anaerobic. Before coaching every ride was just a hammer fest and I found myself exhausted. My Indoor workouts were so difficult that I began to lose fitness. Now I ride a much greater volume and feel great. I now understand that easy is just as important as difficult.

CTS Athlete:Peter Sisti
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche

What is great, even beyond my expectations: Coach Max is able to find a sweetspot between hard training and keeping me motivated, hungry for more. Working without a coach I had a typical problem of pushing too hard too often and now it is solved. I am still on a learning curve and feel my fitness is improving a lot – but the starting point was not that high. Coach is listening to my feedback and adjusts program according to it. I am still before first races after starting work with CTS, but I have gained a lot of confidence in my fitness and development.

What is not perfect for me (I haven’t talked about it with Coach yet) – strenght training program seems to be a little bit too sophisticated for me. Probably it is a bit too structured and complicated and as I don’t have much experience and skills with this type of work, I don’t have much fun doing it. And not always comply with it as well.

CTS Athlete:Przemysław Wasilewski
CTS Coach:Max Shute

She has been pushing me – just the right amount. Is conscious of my weakness(es). She gives thoughtful feedback and makes me feel like she is genuinely interested in my training.

CTS Athlete:Becky Bates
CTS Coach:Darcie Murphy

Chantelle is fantastic. While she is happy to look at Training Peaks data and analyze it with me (which I love to do), she also actively listens to my qualitative feedback, picks up on my non-training life stressors, and accounts for family and work commitments when developing my training plan. Chantelle has very deliberately addressed other areas that boost athletic performance and wellness, including nutrition, sleep, mobility work, mindfulness, and strength training. Chantelle is very specific in her training suggestions. We identify issues to improve, put together an actionable plan, and tracked and measure results. As a result of working with Chantelle, I have improved my running performance (PR in a recent 100k ultra); developed a solid race-day nutrition plan; strengthened my climbing ability; and become much more disciplined around strength, mobility, and nutrition. She provides excellent knowledge, direction, feedback, and motivation. Plus, she’s just a fun person with which to chat. I always look forward to our weekly conversations. Chantelle is a wonderful coach!

CTS Athlete:Daniel Payne
CTS Coach:Chantelle Robitaille

My coach has improved my strength and really has me focussed on my areas of weakness. He is very responsive and helpful, answering any question quickly and clearly.

CTS Athlete:Joseph Seibert
CTS Coach:Tristan Cowie

In short, working with Duncan has been fantastic. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, given Duncan is the first coach that I’ve had. However, having worked with Duncan for a bit over a year and a half, I couldn’t be happier. His focus on developing a training plan that balances both my competitive aspirations and life-balance is great. His knowledge and ability to discuss a wide range of training / racing / life topics always provides the right perspective when needed. His flexibility with our meeting / communication is great. Love the variability of how he structures trainings. And beyond all that, he’s just a great down to earth guy who I happy to have a good relationship with.

And if that all wasn’t enough, I had a very specific competitive stretch goal for myself the first day I began working with Duncan, which was to win the Kettle Moraine 100 miler. This was accomplished this past June and I wouldn’t have been able to do that, or the other lead-up milestones without Duncan’s partnership.


CTS Athlete:Mike Elsbury
CTS Coach:Duncan Callahan

Matthew and I have been working together since Spring of 2017.

The carefully planned workouts are at the core of what I have gotten from Matthew. But honestly, sometimes his comments and phone calls have been even more important. He has been steady when I have been working hard toward an event, and when I have been allergic to my bike after months of training. He has been there when I was trying to make sense of a power meter for the first time, and when I had to take a long break to recover from a non-bike injury.

He has become ever more attuned to my need for rest. Pouring on hard workouts is EASY. Balancing hard workouts with adequate rest (especially as I get older) is much more challenging. Often he detects my need for more rest BEFORE I DO!

Our pre-event planning phone calls have been GOLD. Going into events with a clear plan and a back-up plan has been tremendously helpful. Of course, being able to de-brief my big events with Matthew is equally valuable.

Thank you, Matthew!

CTS Athlete:Jim McGraw
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche

My objective has markedly changed several times over the past few years. Jane has adapted my program to these changes in ways that have rapidly produced tangible improvements in the different performance elements that contribute to success in the new paradigms. She is also fun to work with.

CTS Athlete:Douglas Parker
CTS Coach:Jane Marshall

Stephanie has been great to work with me on an individual running plan. I have had to work on recovery from an injury and build up for a coming race at the same time and she has made that possible.

CTS Athlete:Michael Koppy
CTS Coach:Stephanie Howe

1. Keeps me focused and challenged.
2. Rational and effective training plan
3. Never been fitter
4. Creative workouts keep me interested in training.

CTS Athlete:Bruce Baird
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche

Andy keeps me on track and motivated even through this past year without the motivation of events t look forward to. He works with my always changing busy retail executive schedule and is flexible to make changes whenever I ask. He is a pleasure to work with to say the least

CTS Athlete:Larry Newell
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Began working with Maddison at the Select Training level on October 1, 2020, after two seasons with a local coach. I’m a 60-year old male, who began cycling in 2015, and hadn’t been on a bike since childhood. Maddison provides a very organized and tactical training approach, and understands the science of challenging athletes to fit their body’s ability to adapt through training stress loads and recovery. Maddison is very effective with our weekly training call and helps me logically understand training plans and gravel-race strategies, and has guided me through Field and INSCYD testing, and the quantified metrics. After 10-months, Maddison has helped me achieve a 20w increase in Field Test power (+8%), 27w FTP increase (+11%), 36w, 90-minute power increase (+18%), 24w, 60-minute power (+12%), and 48w, 20-minute power increase (+20%). I’ve signed up in advance for another year with Coach Maddison, and am excited for additive challenge, adaptation, and improvement!

CTS Athlete:Jeffrey Miller
CTS Coach:Maddison Russell

Stephanie is such a great coach. She is always encouraging and motivating. We’ve dealt with a bit of injury as my body adapts to higher mileages, but we’ve evolved the training plans to be smarter about how I handle loads and how to get the most out of my training. Stephanie really listens to my feedback and tailors training based on her knowledge, coupled with my feedback.

Stephanie is also super responsive, even responding to questions and concerns over weekends very regularly. She always makes herself available to talk through issues and is always genuinely happy for me when things go well and we’re making progress.

I feel very supported and lucky to have her as my coach.

CTS Athlete:Will Cousineau
CTS Coach:Stephanie Howe

I really enjoy working with Max! Max has provided me with the level of structure to my cycling that I needed. He has been encouraging and punctual in responding to questions when I have them. If there is anything missing, it is my inclination to ask questions and request phone meetings more often. Max has incredible knowledge and I need to access it more than I do now. I get so wrapped up in execution that I neglect the “why” of what I’m doing. Now hat I am coaching a NICA team locally, I intend to have more discussions with Max.

CTS Athlete:Kenney Green
CTS Coach:Max Shute

I have been working with Allen since 2019. He really improved my power output and endurance during 2019, and then helped me continue to stay in shape and remain motivated all through the crappy lockdown months and through a couple of injuries that I sustained during that time. Now, he is ramping me back up again and I am feeling much more confident in my riding. He is super understanding and patient too. And, he has also helped me with getting over my fear of mountain biking, a sport which I now love doing.

CTS Athlete:Janet Elizabeth Shaver
CTS Coach:Allen Yip

Clayton is the best coach I have worked with – not that the others were bad, but I find he motivates and communicates very well. I never feel like I’m overwhelmed or too pushed – although I do get a decent workout! He adapts my training to my goals and abilities. I’m not training for the Olympic Games- I’m just a guy trying to maintain a reasonable level of fitness at 50 whilst juggling family life, work, etc. and doing the odd mountain bike race. I feel like Clayton really gets that. I really enjoy working with him. I wish him and Caroline well with the imminent arrival of their second child.

CTS Athlete:Deon Swart
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

I have had the privilege of working with Jason since January 2011. I was training for Leadville, and given the race demands, I needed a structured training plan and an accountability partner to see me through the race and beyond. Working with Jason I completed the 2011 Leadville in 10 hours and then again in 2015 with a 9 1/2 hour result. Jason always has me race-ready and riding at my best with confidence and consistency, often when I was living abroad in Perth, Australia. Jason ensured he was always available for our coaching calls regardless time of day.

Jason is technically solid, but what I also like about him is his added value in providing timely advice on not only training and schedule issues, but also on equipment, nutrition and hydration products and approaches.

CTS is very lucky to have Jason as a valued member of the CTS Team. He adds value to his athletes in so many varied and important ways. I for one am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Jason over the last 10 years. A heartfelt Thank You Jason!

CTS Athlete:Steve de Albuquerque
CTS Coach:Jason Siegle

I picked up running a bit late in life at the age of 39. I began running 100 milers a few years later with mixed results. I eventually realized that I had no idea what I was doing. My training for that distance was random guesswork and my motivation was waning.

Searching for answers, I took an interest in Jason Koop’s podcasts/book/coaching. I decided to contact CTS, and found Stephanie. She’s been a breath of fresh air for me and my motivation. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge of training, nutrition, racing, mindset and balance. She’s obviously an elite athlete, but that wasn’t of particular importance to me. From my perspective, we’ve worked together to develop training plans both long-term and short-term that push me hard enough to improve my fitness and ability to meet my goals, but not so much that I’m either injured or burned-out. She listens and gives me the feedback that I often need to hear whether positive or negative. There’s a sense of accountability that I wouldn’t have on my own. So, yeah, she’s pretty great.

CTS Athlete:Jonathon Amlung
CTS Coach:Stephanie Howe

I talked to Koop for prob less than 30 min in May. Then same in June.
Little if any commentary on my work outs via TP
I was hurt and instead of running I did have to walk some 2 and 3 hr work outs. It was not noticed at all when it was updated in TP. ie I knew it was not being tracked nor watched.
I paid for ultimate coaching and unfortunately feel like I got little to nothing over 3 months.
I am 7-8 weeks out from a 125k ultra. Feel this put me back and now I am changing coaches in hopes of doing my ultra.
I appreciate the coach was out on PCT but he and/or CTS should have addresses this

CTS Athlete:Diego Miron
CTS Coach:J Koop

So far, things have been a bit slow due to an injury but I am expecting them to start picking up soon.

Patrick has been great throughout this injury. When I first signed up I was thinking it was something minor we can get through then focus on improving fitness. It turned out to be a more serious injury that I am finally starting to come out of. During this process, Patrick has helped me stay active within the constraints of my injury. This also included leveraging his PT expertise to help me with my rehab.

Now that I am starting to get into the position of being able to run again, I am looking forward to Patrick helping me meet and exceed my goals.

CTS Athlete:Brian Krisler
CTS Coach:Patrick McGalde

Matt has helped with motivation, analysis of workouts and equipment choices. But the real thing I love about Matt: he’s very human. He gets that much as we’d like it to be true, most of us have to fit cycling around life instead of the reverse. Matt has continued to coach me to better riding on physical, emotional and mental levels. So much of his instruction and advice have become part of my cycling psyche. And he and his wife had a baby recently. Congrats Matt!

CTS Athlete:Robert Samuel
CTS Coach:Matt Freeman

In many ways:
Building up to my first 50 miler
Building to my first 50 KM
Many consultations
Great feedback
Awesome and creative programs

CTS Athlete:Curt Sigfstead
CTS Coach:Darcie Murphy

The amount of fitness I’ve gained since I started working with Koop vs. programming for myself (and putting a lot into it) is almost comical. In my mind/experience, he is unequivocally the best.

CTS Athlete:Veronica Leeds
CTS Coach:Jason Koop

Since commencing my program with Clayton in October I have clearly become a stronger rider. That is the bottom line. I have accomplished a number of my cycling goals for 2021 and a few others I believe are within reach I just need to pick the day to go out and make it happen.

As a “mature” rider it is very gratifying to be in a strong group ride doing my share of the work and being one of the riders still there at the end.

CTS Athlete:Jim Moravec
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

I love Coach Koop. I haven’t been working with him long enough to actually have any race results yet, but I love his “no BS, let’s get it done” approach and how he handles my training.

If my training has had any lulls, it’s all on me. However, if I am going through lack of motivation issues, I always feel pumped up to get back after it.

CTS Athlete:Jason Teitloff
CTS Coach:Jason Koop

Wow… what I can say. With Chantelle coming into my life as a coach it has made a huge impact on my achievements.
Of note were the following that was made possible by the precise programming; HK4TUC, Chang Rai, Dragons Back Race, and last man standing in Singapore.

CTS Athlete:Abimanyu
CTS Coach:Chantelle Robitaille

Andy and I started working together in 2007 when I was at a low level of performance, slightly above a recreational cyclist level. He has turned me into an international masters level cyclist. We are still together. I could not be at this level without him.

CTS Athlete:Martin Shaw
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

He has been there when I needed to know if what I was experiencing was expected. I think that I am a bit of an anomaly as I assume not many 85 year old biker are trying to maintain some semblance of prior fitness. I would be pleased to find that this assumption is in error. I bike mainly because I enjoy the activity and I wish to be able to continue at a level that is enjoyable. I have a heart rate that seems to be a bit fickle in that load and heart rate does not always keep up. Max has been able to guide me through the problems this has caused. To better monitor my progress might be switch to watts vs heart rate, but I haven’t opted for the cost of watts meters. That may come.
Max has been good at explaining what I need to do next and keeping me on track. There are days that getting on the bike is not my first priority, but I get on the bike or trainer and attempt to make the time spent productive.

CTS Athlete:Richard Keir
CTS Coach:Max Shute

For over 2 years we have made considerable progress in my focus, fitness and movement. It is a blessing to have him encourage me to take care of myself and to push myself. This year I had an accident that set me back but his consistency was contagious to keep me moving forward. Thankful for a great coach!

CTS Athlete:Doug Grace
CTS Coach:John Fitzgerald

Coach Sarah has tremendously helped me improve my fitness and running. She is amazing to work with and focuses on her athletes and not just the next progression in the training block. 100% give this woman a raise lol!

CTS Athlete:Nick Hallman
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Having worked with numerous coaches thru the years as an athlete, I can say without reservation that Coach Renee is the best. Not only does she provide personalized training programs that have increased my technic and wattage on the bike, she has over the years given me nutritional and strength programs that have benefited me immensely. Moreover, during our weekly calls she provides insightful advice to the numerous questions that I ask as a senior athlete new to cycling. But, I must say that her encouragement and support during my recent medical treatments went beyond just doing her job as a coach. She was patient and understanding through the lows and highs which made me want to work harder for her through the ordeal. She’s my coach until I can’t turn the chain ring another rotation!

CTS Athlete:William Brant
CTS Coach:Renee Eastman

Clayton is a patient teacher while excellent at challenging you to exceed your own expectations.

CTS Athlete:Ben Atkins
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

Works with me to help me become and stronger runner. Knows when to push, when to back off. Uses science and research in formulating a plan and a response. Also is tuned into the emotional aspect of life. She is an amazing athlete herself which is a huge plus.

CTS Athlete:Nikhil Shah
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

He has kept me focused and has created a great balance between training and recovery.

CTS Athlete:Cheryl Ratzman
CTS Coach:Maddison Russell

Less stress deciding what, when, and how to train.

Helping me understand what we are doing and how it effects my performance.

Helping me put my race results in perspective. It’s good to have a neutral third party to discuss races with.

I have confidence in his prescriptions. He has trained and is training older athletes.

I have discovered I can do more than I thought I could.

It’s unfortunate he lives so far away. Adding skills coaching to the package would be very beneficial.

CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

We started working 9mths ago with Sarah and she is my first coach. I was looking for three things from my couch:
-I wanted to include weighs and speedwork in training and increase mileage to get ready for my first 100 miler
-I wanted to have a coach who would be actively involved on my training, giving feedback, answering questions and act as bounceboard for my plans (racegear, nutrition, raceplan) and give second opinion on my decisions (should I rest as my legs are sore or push on)
-Understand that I am full time officeworker with family on my 40’s so there are limiting factors.

From the start she has been delivering on all of these. Sarah is a fantastic coach, she knows technical aspects of conditioning but her greatest skill is the ability to build a connection. I feel that I have a friend, someone who is there for me whenever I need.

I am in best shape of my life and managed to finish my 1st 100 miler in tough conditions.

I think the best way to describe my feeling of this coaching relationship is that I would recommend Sarah and CTS for my friends.

CTS Athlete:Juha Roivainen
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Nina has really helped me take my fitness to the next level! She has been great at making sure I don’t over train and get worn out but also keep it at a good pace to improve. I’ve really enjoyed working with a coach that is also a woman. She understands women specific issues and also helped me work through some health issues that were affecting my performance. Nina also started helping me work through some confidence issues by assigning self-compassion exercises for me. Nina has really done an amazing job at coaching me and I love working with her!!

CTS Athlete:Elizabeth Mis
CTS Coach:Nina Laughlin

If you are going to make “the big” effort, do it well. And for that you need the best; you need Charlie.

CTS Athlete:Carlos Blume
CTS Coach:Charlie Livermore

He has been very good about giving me detailed information on what to do and what to expect, and we have had some very good improvements over the years. Also he has a very good understanding about all aspects of training which helps greatly, highly recommend him!

CTS Athlete:Robin Bennett
CTS Coach:Jason Siegel

Stephanie provides a detailed and adaptable, non generic training plan to help me work towards a 300 self sustained km challenge early 2022. Her advice and feedback is precise, and got me away from the mindset that “more is better”, and more in tune with how I feel when I am training. Weekly training goals are clearly set, and are achievable. I also love to be coached by a woman, as she understands the challenges of motherhood and the impact juggling work/ family/ running can have on your performance some days.

CTS Athlete:Virginie Goethals
CTS Coach:Stephanie Howe

Clayton is great coach. He is so supportive and encouraging in working around life and work. I definitely have seen improvements on all levels through the prescribed workouts once things cleared up. I appreciate his patience and perseverance in making this student reach new heights! Clayton is truly an exceptional coach, and congrats to CTS for having him as your coach.

CTS Athlete:Roy Lopez
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

Hello CTS:

Happy to add my comments for Clay! I’m having a great experience with CTS and in particular with Clay. We started in November/December of 2020 and I chose him because he immediately impressed me as having a very calm demeanor and level headed approach to coaching and training. Clay has provided me with stability, knowledge and the ability to bring me along through training with a consistent approach. As well, we have a very open line of communication about how I’m responding and feeling physically. That’s extremely valuable to me as I try to get better and learn along the way. Clay is also great about responding to all my questions and he overdelivers on the answers.

I’m super excited to be working with him! I’m glad I found CTS and I’m thankful to Clay for the experience thus far!

CTS Athlete:Norman Scarazzo
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

Working with Coach Feldman has helped me achieve my athletic goals. I continue to move forward in increasing my strength and endurance despite the pandemic, extreme weather and what ever life is throwing at me. Training with Coach Feldman keeps me motivated to continue training to reach my goals which are important to me. I know he may work with athletes that have more aggressive trainings schedules, but he works with my abilities to bring out the best in my performance.

I wish I had known about CTS years ago.

CTS Athlete:Ronda McCarthy
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

After several years of piecing together running information from the internet, I made the jump and hired a coach. No regrets. Custom training plans based on my race goals and schedule. Weekly phone calls that give me answers to my big and small questions. Lots of encouragement.

CTS Athlete:Bill Ryan
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Chantelle has done an awesome job of building me up over the past couple of years. Helping me to set goals, aim high and then make plans to achieve them. She has a wealth of knowledge in so many areas , and nothing is ever a problem.
Particularly in these covid times, Chantelle has helped keep me focused and we’ve achieved some results I never dreamed of, including winning the Australian event in Bigs Backyard Ultra Satellite setting an Australian Record of 46hrs. This earned me a place to compete in Bigs Backyard in Tennessee in October 2021 where I’ll get to meet Chantelle face to face as she supports me for days in end as I aim to do Australia proud.
I could not be happier with my decision to work with Chantelle.

CTS Athlete:Chris Murphy
CTS Coach:Chantelle Robitaille

In all of my years of sports, I haven’t encountered another coach quite like Jason Koop – he is the real deal. Koop is extremely knowledgable and passionate about the sport and his work. Perhaps more importantly, he believes in me when I don’t believe in myself. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t have him as my coach.

CTS Athlete:Lauren Ciccomascolo
CTS Coach:Jason Koop

Reid is engaging , positive and flexible. I have been riding for approx 25 years and Reid has been excellent at understanding my lack of technology skills and my old school training habits. It has been extremely easy to create our plan of course but also to change midstream if needed. Great experience.

CTS Athlete:Lee Willis
CTS Coach:Reid Beloni

I simply don’t write reviews for anything… Andy is the rare exception.

Working with Andy has truly been a life altering experience. Having been a runner and cyclist throughout my youth and into college and graduate school, the majority of my 30s were spent doing a whole lot of nothing athletically. By the time my 40s hit, I was completely out of shape, overweight, and on a path of potential long term health problems. About two years ago, I decided to make dramatic lifestyle changes with the primary goal of restoring a healthy balance to my life, but also to begin competing again in the endurance sports that I loved in my youth.

I first became aware of Andy and his coaching ability while racing bikes in graduate school many years ago– Andy coached a couple of athletes I knew well, and they always seemed to be winning races and doing amazing things.

Even though I was a middle-aged, out of shape guy with no real athletic accomplishments since the late 1990s, Andy took me on and began working with me to outline a series of goals and a plan to accomplish them.

Andy is an exceptionally knowledgeable coach — both on the bike and in endurance running. I continue to learn a tremendous amount from him. He is very patient, easy going and has an amazing ability to handle what I have viewed as setbacks (injury, illness, work/life/travel, etc) as no big deal. I’m continually impressed with how he tailors and adapts my workout schedules to meet my insanely busy schedule.

About a year ago, I told Andy I wanted to not only run my first competitive marathon (I’ve run the distance as part of ultras in the past but never raced it), and wanted to do so in a Boston Qualifying time. Most people who know me thought I was entirely detached from reality… not Andy. He let me know that it was certainly a do-able goal, but would require a lot of hard work and some luck (no injuries, etc.). Sign me up!

Andy has been an instrumental and vital partner in helping me train and accomplish all these goals. I got my BQ (by 3+ minutes), broke a 20+ year old PR in the half marathon (by 6 minutes), and set all-time PRs in every distance from 10K to the Marathon. I am in the best shape of my life — both running and on the bike. Had anyone told me two years ago that I would have accomplished all this, I would’ve laughed. Andy deserves way more credit than I can write in a review.

Many thanks and cheers!

CTS Athlete:Jason O. Watson
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Jason has been with me through my whole training cycle this year. By now I would have been injured at least 2 times, but at 7 months in, I have yet to have an injury and I feel that I am in the best shape of my career in running. The focused weekly plans have been steady, progressive, and thoughtful. Jason’s insights in the field of ultrarunning have enabled me to get much more out of each week than I typically had been able to get with even higher volume. I enthusiastically recommend him to anyone interested in improving their performance in ultrarunning.

CTS Athlete:John Diana
CTS Coach:Jason Koop

I have been with Max almost 2 1/2 years. He is very patient, understanding, and knowledgeable. My fitness has improved 1000% even though I felt quite fit to begin with. He applies training stress methodically and I have benefited significantly from his approach. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a structured approach to improving their cycling.

CTS Athlete:Alex McCrary
CTS Coach:Max Shute

The most important aspects of working with Noah has been the encouragement and accountability he has added to my workouts.

CTS Athlete:Richard Nugent
CTS Coach:Noah Niwinnski

Working with Noah has been great. I made some great progress in my ability to sustain power for much longer durations. I was doing really well then I fell during a gravel bike race and broke my hip. That put me out for a while and Noah has just about gotten me back to where I was before I fell. He is doing a great job with me and I look forward to continuing to work with him for a long time.

CTS Athlete:Brian Schafer
CTS Coach:Noah Niwinski

Tracey has increased my OVERALL HEALTH. That is mental, physical, and overall health. My goals of getting faster, and improving group riding skills, have improved. She is more than that, as she really is interested in me as a HEALTHY PERSON! She has communicated with my Physical Trainer in order to stay in “sync” in what we are trying to accomplish in “different blocks”. She is very encouraging,, knowledgeable, and goal oriented as far as having “fun bicycle goals” like traveling and trying other bicycle activities. . I feel VERY LUCKY to have her as a Coach.

CTS Athlete:David Hughson
CTS Coach:Tracey Drews

Charlie , with humor but firmness, gets me to ride out of my comfort zone. He understands which of my systems need to be worked on and prescribes good workouts

CTS Athlete:Linda Gilbert
CTS Coach:Charlie Livermore

Duncan is very much in tune with my and my training circumstances, I am working through some injuries, Duncan considers the big picture and makes necessary adjustments, looking forward to getting this LT100 done!!

I don’t think there is a coach that could be working better with me, with my challenges.

I give him a 5 star rating…

CTS Athlete:Larry Duane price
CTS Coach:Duncan Callahan

With Sarah’s help I was able to complete my first 50 mile run with no chafing and no blisters. It was in the summer in the Florida Keys so I fee pretty proud. She put up with a lot of inconsistency on my part but truly coached me through my ups and downs. When I needed a reality check around my marathon run in the lead up to the 50 miler, Sarah walked me through the thought process and helped me reach the tough choice of dropping the marathon event to get the best result out of the ultimate goal. Sarah has helped me feel good about my accomplishments and not let me get too worked up about the setbacks. There is a lot more within my power than I thought. I’m working on my next goal with her now.

CTS Athlete:Matt OConnor
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

My coach gives me workouts that are challenging and fun and encourages a proper amount of rest/recovery time as well. His workouts are easy to follow and understand. I’ve been able to achieve a high level of fitness and am able to ride in fast group rides with riders half my age. My primary goal is to be fit and healthy for an overall balanced life. Max encourages and promotes a balanced approach to cycling and other life activities. He is very responsive to any questions I have and frequently comments on my ride reports. I’m very happy and fortunate to have him as my coach.

CTS Athlete:Tom McCarthy
CTS Coach:Max Shute

Charlie and I have been working together for nearly a year. Charlie is very professional and has helped me a lot. I look forward to continuing my progress and hopefully climbing in Europe next summer.

CTS Athlete:Jesse Nichols
CTS Coach:Charlie Livermore

Sarah is very easy to talk and work with. We’ve had regular conversations regarding my training and progress. She’s worked with me to adjust my schedule when life threw curve balls.

I chose to work with for a number of reasons. Communication was one. One of the other reasons was her experience with strength building. When we began working together I had painfully tight hamstrings. Her workouts help complexly eliminate this issue.

Her training protocols, strength training and communication helped me further develop my confidence, and performance leading up to my A race, leadville 100 run.

CTS Athlete:André hermann
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

Jason is very mellow and easy to work with. He is extremely knowledgeable as a coach and he continually pushes me to reach new heights in my training. My power has improved dramatically since I began working with CTS, and Jason. Jason has pushed me in the best training blocks to prepare me for my races, and my success in these races is largely due to his exact training, that dials me in. Jason has done wonders for my cycling and is a fantastic representation of Carmichael Training.

CTS Athlete:Tim Brown
CTS Coach:Jason Seigle

Max helps on several levels: First by creating a training plan based on my fitness level and goals, then by constantly tweaking it based on my progress and life realities. Secondly, he gets the mental/emotional/intangible aspects and is a very steady hand and good listener as I roller coaster a bit mentally and emotionally. He is patient and positive, but also persistent. The end result is I have what I would call positive accountability. I have achieved the overall fitness level I wanted and can easily ride with the strongest riders in my two groups. My climbing is way better and I can put the hammer down to close gaps or drag everyone along at a brisk pace for long stretches. I now have the confidence that I can take it to the next level because sticking with it has shown that it really does work. I am very grateful that Max is there for me.

CTS Athlete:David Chandler
CTS Coach:Max Shute

Jeanna has been great! She is very thorough, always taking the time to explain everything. She follows up during the week and always touches base with me prior to and after an event. She is definitely in my corner.

CTS Athlete:Kurt A Wiemann
CTS Coach:Jeanna Miller

Working with Matthew has been great. He is accessible and responsive. He challenges me and is still very understanding that “life happens”. I’m very happy that I’m working with Matthew and look forward to the future training, goals, and events with his help.

CTS Athlete:Tom Welge
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche

Understanding my limits and pushing me towards them and understands how to get me there! Truly understand how to train a cyclist!

CTS Athlete:John Williams(Fred)
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche

I have known Tracey for years. I have had some very challenging months taking care of my elderly parents. Father passed and now 91 year old mother is having health issues. Through all this Tracey has been very understanding and patient. As a coach, I know there are some great coaches in the CTS system but I prefer Tracey. She has been a great coach and friend.

CTS Athlete:Steven Brake
CTS Coach:Tracey Drews

Clayton has been an excellent coach! He reaches out frequently and is an excellent communicator and a supportive coach for the hard workouts. He responds to texts and emails promptly and frequently offers encouraging words.

CTS Athlete:Stu Gibson
CTS Coach:Clayton Feldman

Corrine simply put has helped me realize gains in performance and personal goals that I would never have realized on my own. Her approach is a unique intersection of coaching science, discipline and fun mixed with the pragmatic reality that running is an important part of my life but not the only part. She is always accessible to answer questions, walk through race strategy or to help understand and incorporate feedback and thoughts on data from Training Peaks or personal thoughts and experience. Her approachable manner and deep experience both in running and competitive sports at the highest level brings a unique resource to the ‘everyday’ athlete. Her commitment to your success and satisfaction is tangible and importantly genuine. It is a unique opportunity to find that great intersection of the scientific coaching coupled with the experience of a high performance athlete who can meet you where you are and help you improve but also enjoy the journey along the way! I cannot give a strong enough endorsement and would recommend Corrine without reservation to anyone who has a serious desire to learn, improve and enjoy the process.

CTS Athlete:Drew Bennett
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

I have improved my fitness tremendously with Maddison. He is always prompt with questions and is always available when I need him. He has taught me the importance of accountability. He has also stressed the need for rest/recovery. We are both enjoying the process of helping me to perform at my best.

CTS Athlete:Kathy
CTS Coach:Maddison Russell

I’m very lucky to have Sarah as my coach. She is very knowledgeable, always available for any question or to adjust my training if anything happens and she is such a positive and kind person. Her training has helped me get faster in my running and her strength training has hugely helped me get rid of some annoying muscle pain. I just love her!

CTS Athlete:Tais Pancier
CTS Coach:Sarah Scozzaro

I have become much more knowledgeable regarding how to train correctly. I am more disciplined and structured with my training. I have seen consistent power, maintained and improved my FTP. I enjoy have a structured training plan and a schedule weekly and monthly. Maddison keeps me focused on the goals.

He is an inspiration. He will be back on his bike soon just needs to get better.

CTS Athlete:Mark A Denney
CTS Coach:Maddison Russell

I trust Corrine to set a plan so that I am able to reach my goals. My goals being “not dying while running a trail ultra”. When Corrine sets my schedule, I know this is what I have to do to stay on track to complete my next race. It enables me to be accountable to myself, because I can say to myself “I need to do this today, so that I can complete the race that’s two months away”. Without Corrine I’d probably just run 4 miles a day which would keep my healthy, but wouldn’t prepare me and wouldn’t progress me. With Corrine it’s not just “someone else” setting my schedule “it’s someone I trust” setting my schedule. Corrine makes it so I don’t over train or under train, which is exactly what I need.

CTS Athlete:Thomas Quigley Malcolm
CTS Coach:Corrine Malcolm

Working with Coach Shute has helped me better understand the full realm of what it means to live an active/athletic life.

I came into the CTS program as a beginning marathon/ultra marathon runner. I am somewhat of a mid-pack runner and have really looked at taking that next step in my training to progress in the sport and stay healthy during the process. Coach has helped me embrace all parts of the training process including hydration, fueling, recovery, and amazing training plans. We have really started working to cross functionalize in cycling as well as adding varied gym and cardio work. I feel like I’ve progressed significantly over the last 6 months under his guidance completing both a PR 100k in 11.5 hours along with a PR Half marathon in 1:34:XX.

Along with the cardio and strength training that comes with our coach/athlete relationship, I’ve learned that calmness of mind and balance of spirit are essential to adapting to the training stimuli. I know I’ll never be the FASTEST guy at the local 5k, half marathon, or Ultramarathons, but I’ve learned that being the best version of myself for those around me is all we can really search for in this life. Amazing life lessons that I’ve picked up through my time with Coach Shute.

CTS Athlete:Jonathon Savoy
CTS Coach:Max Shute

I have made excellent progress in my first year with Coach Paul. He has a great attitude and deep knowledge. He also respects my goals and work constraints. I am making good progress on my goals, which is to continue to learn, improve, and stay injury free. My thanks to Paul!

CTS Athlete:Peter Cramton
CTS Coach:Paul Ruggiero

John has tailored a workout plan that covered a blood clot in my leg and me getting covid. John gave me good advice for buying wheels, shoes and a new Modone. He is easy to talk with. We discuss a wide range of cycling topics. I would be happy to recommend John.

CTS Athlete:John Talbot
CTS Coach:John Croom

He has pushed me way beyond anything I have done in the past. He is also very good at working with my schedule and making the best use of my time. I am a busy lawyer and we have been very successful in making the schedule work. I have certainly improved since starting this program and really enjoy it.

CTS Athlete:Kenneth Klein
CTS Coach:Andy Applegate

Ivana is great! She really knows what she is doing and she goes beyond the coaching helping with nutrition, and health issues in general.
She is very organized but at the same time adapts to the athlete’s needs. I saw my times improving in all three sports and feel that I’m training much more efficient than before.

CTS Athlete:Felix Jaimovich
CTS Coach:Ivana Bisaro

Jane turned me from a strong 12 hour rider to someone who managed to finish RAW solo. I’m 57 and I’ve never been faster on a bike. I couldn’t do it without her

CTS Athlete:Paul Webb
CTS Coach:Jane Marshall

The coaches are simply amazing. From customized training plans accessible via mobile app to fully immersive training camps, you can find the right level of guidance and education you need to reach your full potential. As a personal trainer, I can vouch for the efficacy of having someone else tell you what to do to help take some of the guesswork out of training, as well as avoiding common training mistakes. I just attended an ultra-running camp held from their Brevard, NC location and came away feeling strong, confident and informed. If you’re considering taking your training up a level – whether trying to finish your first running or cycling event, or maybe you want to see if you can find a competitive edge – definitely reach out to CTS!

CTS Athlete:Jennifer Raby

Great coaches, good value. Have worked with several through the years and enjoyed coaching relationship with each of them.

CTS Athlete:Tom Welge
CTS Coach:Matthew Busche
John was freakin awesome. He got me to the finish line! His expertise, timing, advice and overall coaching was all I could have asked for. What a special individual and I was lucky to have him next to me in spirit for the entire race.
CTS Athlete:David Smith
CTS Coach:John Fitzgerald