Max Shute
CTS Pro Level Coach – Specializes in Cycling Coaching
“The coach/athlete relationship is collaborative. I want to know everything about you so we can design a seamless plan of action that works with your life, not against it. That means looking at things systemically. Sleep, nutrition, and family are all factors that I want to know about thoroughly. You have time. Let’s use it well so you can return your family and friends a better human.”
Coach Bio:
I was raised by two running health nuts of the 70s. As soon as 7th-grade track was available I was hooked on running and trying to beat my Dad at local 10ks. It didn’t take long. At the same time, I was racing BMX and riding my bike everywhere around East Peoria, IL. Back then kids went everywhere under their own power. High School Cross Country was a natural progression for me, but at the same time, this thing called Mountain Biking was taking shape. During college, I ran less and raced my mountain bike more. It was also during this time I started working at our local bike shop which had a crit and road racing team. Good times.
Luckily I married well. My wife Jen was always going to go to Grad school and I followed. We both were lucky enough to receive tremendous support from the faculty at both Appalachian State University and Virginia Tech, she in Marriage and Family Therapy and me in Exercise Science/Sports Nutrition. Graduate school was both a tremendously gratifying and challenging effort. I fell in love with intervals and time management. My training finally took “shape”. It takes planning to get the most out of the time we have. Everything must be considered. All aspects of an athletes life, including nutrition and sleep, are critical to getting the most out of the time we have to train.
While my racing past was exciting I am now more interested in the meditative side of physical work. I enjoy Yoga, trail running in Boone, and long multi-day bike rides, often by myself. Break down the physical, rejuvenate the mind.
Some Of The Races/Events I’ve Participated In:
Everything from the Chicago Marathon to the NC Cyclocross Series to Leadville to Multi-day cycling trips across the Alps and USA.
Some Of The Races/Events I’ve Coached Athletes For:
- Kona and every major Ironman
- Every major Marathon
- Leadville Mountain Bike Race
- UTMB Ultrarunning
- Weight loss 5-110lbs