Choosing a Camp That Fits Your Current Fitness Level

Rest assured no athlete is ever “holding up a camp.” These Athlete Levels are intended to give you a general sense of who each camp has been designed for, but are in no way an exact description of which athletes should attend. Our coaches always split our camps up into groups so that every athlete can work at their current fitness level and get personal attention from the coaches. You’ll push your limits at our camps, but still have a great experience without ever feeling pressured to keep up.


General Fitness Level
I workout regularly 2-3 times per week and I’m comfortable exercising for 1-2 hours. I want to push my physical limits and can last 2-3 hours at endurance pace, but I’m not ready to kill myself for 4+ hours.

Road Bike Camps
My Skills: I’m comfortable riding on my own, or with one or two friends. I get a little intimidated on large group rides or when riders get too close, or on fast descents. 

Mountain Bike Camps
My Skills: I’m comfortable with basic mountain bike shifting/braking and riding most double-track and easy singletrack, but I’m not yet ready for technical rock and root sections. And definitely, no big drop offs!

Ultrarunning Camps
My Skills: I have good overall running technique and I’m comfortable running on easy to moderate trails. However, I hike most technical sections and I’m somewhat hesitant on steep descents.


General Fitness Level
I lead a consistently active life and exercise 3-5 times per week. I’m happy to push myself for 2+ hours and can grind through 4+ hours at endurance pace on a long day.

Road Bike Camps
My Skills: I’m at ease riding in groups and confident on most descents. However, I’m ready to refine my group riding skills and become more efficient in pacelines, positioning, cornering, descending, and climbing.

Mountain Bike Camps
My Skills: I can handle moderately technical singletrack, maintain control on loose descents, and roll over most small rocks and roots. However, I’m not ashamed to get off and walk when the trail gets crazy!

Ultrarunning Camps
My Skills: I regularly run on singletrack trails of varying terrain and don’t mind some rough sections here or there, but I won’t be dancing through technical rock gardens and blazing down loose descents.


General Fitness Level
I take training very seriously and hate to miss a workout! I regularly exercise 4-6 days a week and love high-intensity intervals and/or long training sessions of 4-6 hours.

Road Bike Camps
My Skills: I have complete confidence in my bike handling skills and no problem fighting for a position at the front of the peloton or railing tight corners. Really, I could give Peter Sagan a run for his money.

Mountain Bike Camps
My Skills: “Hike-a-bike” does not apply to me. I enjoy technical singletrack, switchbacks, steep terrain, and the occasional drop off  -remember you signed the waiver 😉

Ultrarunning Camps
My Skills: I’m a Skyrunner and/or seasoned ultramarathoner! I’ve refined my running form and enjoy challenging technical trails and running up or down steep rocky terrain.