Spring Training Cycling Camp & Assault on the Carolinas – Brevard

  • Feb 16, 2025
  • Cycling Spring Training

Is this camp right for me?

Is this camp right for me?

This is a great camp for athletes who want to ride an incredible event and also want a big training block that’s full of instruction.

Every spring, the mountains of Western North Carolina attract cyclists from all over the East Coast for the training benefits found here. Join us for a camp designed for intermediate to advanced riders who are looking to jumpstart their spring training. This camp focuses on endurance training with a power meter – longer rides at moderate, steady intensities – under the guidance of our experienced coaching staff.

Whether you’ve attended cycling training camps in the past or have always done your spring training solo, if you’re seeking the next level of training, then this is the camp for you. This Spring Training Camp is perfect for intermediate and advanced enthusiasts, and amateur racers. During this five-day camp we will challenge you with long rides through moderate to difficult, and always beautiful, terrain. We will outfit you with a Powertap power meter for the camp, and conduct power file download/ review sessions with coaches. (If you have your own power meter, please bring it with you.)

Additionally our April spring camp will finish with our group riding and competing in the Assault on the Carolina’s Ride. This is a metric century that visits the continental divide twice and assaults the famed Cesar’s Head climb.

Camp Itinerary

  • Day 1 – Monday

    Registration and bike drop off from 3:00-5:00 pm at the host hotel followed by a wonderful, locally prepared diner, introductions of staff and athletes and a nutrition lecture to help set the tone for proper fueling during your weeks training..

  • Day 1 – Tuesday

    Day 1 of camp will begin with a light breakfast to fuel you for the days efforts of assessment and testing. You will enjoy the pleasure of the CTS Field Test followed by skills assessments by our coaches. This will allow our coaches to best place you in a group for the following rides as well as to serve as a starting point to talk about how to improve your fitness and reach your goals. After the ride session we will have a post ride lunch and begin individual data review sessions.

  • Day 2 – Wednesday

    Day 2 will begin much like day 1 but with a bit heartier breakfast. Following our fueling session we will depart of the first long day of endurance riding. Weather allowing groups will proceed to the Blue Ridge Parkway via Hwy 276 or Hwy 215. Both routes average 60-90 minute climb times depending on fitness levels. And or course what goes up must come down, so the groups will be treated to some excellent descents. Along route the coaches will help work on climbing efficiency, descending skills, nutritional and general tips.

  • Day 3 – Thursday

    Day 3 is another day of long riding and great climbs. Following our daily team breakfast we will saddle up for another full day in the saddle. This time we will head off the mountain down the upstate of South Carolina. But, do not think that it will be an easy day. Climbs home can be very challenging and can include the Greenville Watershed, Caesars Head or the challenging but beautiful Green River Preserve dirt climb! Following the ride we will refuel, download and talk about the ride with individuals and try to rest up for the next 2 days!

  • Day 4 – Friday

    Day 4 is a split day. Those getting tired will have the option of a short recovery spin with some group skills riding included. This will be limited to 90 minutes to 2 hours max. For those still wishing to test the legs we will run a rolling route toward Asheville via the Etowah River Valley. Of course, there can always be the surprise of one monster hill… The famed Bearwallow Mtn in Fletcher NC! Following our rides we will have our post ride meal, data recall, and a training lecture.

  • Day 5 – Saturday

    Day 5, the last shootout! Our day will begin very early with our normal morning meal. All groups will roll out to our offices in downtown Brevard via the bike path to stage for the event start. Coaches and riders will ride side by side during the event making for a excellent way to finish off our camp! Following the ride we will all gather in the expo area and enjoy food and other offerings provided by the event promoters.

Additional Details & FAQs

Spring Training Cycling Camp & Assault on the Carolinas – Brevard

April 3-8, 2017
Brevard, NC

Every spring, the mountains of Western North Carolina attract cyclists from all over the East Coast for the training benefits found here. Join us for a camp designed for intermediate to advanced riders who are looking to jumpstart their spring training. This camp focuses on endurance training with a power meter – longer rides at moderate, steady intensities – under the guidance of our experienced coaching staff.

Whether you’ve attended cycling training camps in the past or have always done your spring training solo, if you’re seeking the next level of training, then this is the camp for you. This Spring Training Camp is perfect for intermediate and advanced enthusiasts, and amateur racers. During this five-day camp we will challenge you with long rides through moderate to difficult, and always beautiful, terrain. We will outfit you with a Powertap power meter for the camp, and conduct power file download/ review sessions with coaches. (If you have your own power meter, please bring it with you.)

Additionally our April spring camp will finish with our group riding and competing in the Assault on the Carolina’s Ride. This is a metric century that visits the continental divide twice and assaults the famed Cesar’s Head climb.

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