how many hours should cyclists ride

How Many Hours Should Cyclists Ride for Fitness and Performance?

The cheeky answer to, “How many hours should I ride my bike?” is, of course, “As many as possible.” But that really isn’t true. More hours on the bike doesn’t automatically lead to improved fitness, greater weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, reduced chronic disease risk, improved mental health, or any of the other potential benefits …

strength training for ultrarunners

Year-Round Strength Training Exercises for Ultrarunners

For many runners, the season is wrapping up and athletes are starting to look forward to the next year and new adventures, challenges, and goals. As you take stock of the season and look ahead to what is next, you may wonder if strength training is for you and how to incorporate it into your …

Cyclocross 1

Top 5 Cyclocross Training Mistakes

Forget #crossiscoming because #crossishere! Cyclocross season is in full swing, but training doesn’t stop when the season starts. There is still time to improve your performance, increase your speed, and race up to your potential. As coaches my colleagues and I work with a mixture of elite cyclocross racers and time-crunched athletes who race cyclocross …

cyclists over 65

Training for Cyclists Over 65

CTS Coach Tracey Drews coaches cyclists of all ages, but over time has specialized in coaching senior cyclists, especially cyclists over 65. Many of the athletes she coaches range in age from 70-90 years old, and several compete – and win – age group events and USA Cycling National Championships. Cycling and strength training are …

jet lag

How to Beat Jet Lag and Before Your Big Event

Topics Covered In This Episode: Factors affecting jet lag and travel fatigue Minimizing sleep disruption during international air travel Best transatlantic flight choices for athletes Dealing with jet lag Time required to acclimate to eastward or westward travel How to get circadian rhythm back on track once you’ve arrived HOST Corrine Malcolm has been a …

Katie Schide UTMB

Inside Look at UTMB Champion Katie Schide’s Training and Strategies

Katie Schide winning the 2022 Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc was an emotional rollercoaster for all involved, myself included. As her coach, I’m overjoyed for Katie, but not just because she prevailed. The backstory is as special for me as the victory. It’s a story of the transformation she made to her training over the …

reggie miller sbt gravel race

Reggie Miller: My 100-Mile Gravel Race Training and Racing Journal

By Reggie Miller, NBA Hall of Fame, Olympian, MTB Racer, CTS Contributing Editor I don’t mind doing things outside my comfort zone. I think that’s how you grow as a person. And that’s how I found my way to Steamboat Springs for the SBT GRVL event on August 14. I certainly didn’t mind doing things …

emma langley

How to Get Faster on the Bike – Part 2, with guest Emma Langley

Topics Covered In This Episode: What to do differently once you’ve been training for a while. The value of cycling skills work – even at the Women’s WorldTour level How recovery and doing less off the bike makes you faster on the bike Perspectives athletes can change that lead to improved performance. Race day tactics …

ultrarunning training plan

Why and How to Create a 3-Year Ultrarunning Training Plan

Although ultramarathons are, by definition, very long events compared to traditional running events, athletes rarely extend their long-range training plans accordingly. Instead of considering one year for long-range planning purposes, ultrarunners are better off working from a 3-year plan. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ long range plan. However, athletes with a multi-year vision are often more …