1. How many days per week do you train for ultrarunning?(Required)
2. How consistent are you with your ultrarunning training each week?(Required)
3. How many hours per week do you typically spend on ultrarunning-specific training?(Required)
4. Do you include a mix of endurance, steady state, tempo, and high-intensity intervals throughout your training program?(Required)
5. How do you progress your training workload (intensity and/or volume) over time?(Required)
6. How often do you incorporate rest or active recovery days into your training schedule?(Required)
7. How would you rate the quality and adequacy of your sleep?(Required)
8. How do you manage your nutrition during long runs (especially over 2 hours)?(Required)
9. How effectively do you manage hydration and electrolytes during long runs?(Required)
10. Do you tailor your workouts to mimic the demands of your goal event, including terrain and average elevation change per mile?(Required)
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