How many days per week do you train?
a) 1 day per week
b) 2-3 days per week
c) 4-5 days per week
d) 6-7 days per week
How consistent are you with your training each week?
a) I’m very inconsistent and routinely miss opportunities to train
b) I’m somewhat inconsistent and miss sessions fairly regularly
c) I’m moderately consistent but occasionally miss opportunities to train
d) I’m very consistent and rarely miss a training session
How many hours per week do you typically spend on cycling-specific training?
a) Less than 5 hours
b) 5-10 hours
c) 11-15 hours
d) More than 15 hours
Do your training sessions include a mix of endurance, tempo, and high-intensity intervals?
a) No, I stick to one type of workout
b) Occasionally, but not regularly
c) Yes, but without a specific plan
d) Yes, based on a structured training plan
How do you progress your training intensity and/or volume over time?
a) I don’t actively manage progression
b) I increase intensity or volume when I feel like it
c) I follow a general static plan for progression
d) I adhere to a structured and periodized training plan that I adjust based on my progress
How often do you incorporate rest or active recovery days into your training schedule?
a) Never or rarely
b) Occasionally when I feel like it
c) 1 time a week
d) 2-3 times a week
How would you rate the quality and adequacy of your sleep?
a) Poor; I often feel tired
b) Average; I get enough sleep most nights
c) Good; I prioritize sleep for recovery
d) Excellent; I consistently get high-quality sleep
During workouts (especially over 60-75 mins) how do you manage your nutrition?
a) I rarely eat and/or don’t pay much attention to it
b) I only eat when I feel like it
c) I generally eat 150-300 calories per hour
d) I have my go-to fuel sources dialed in and have trained my gut to handle at least 150-300 calories per hour, every hour
How effectively do you manage hydration and electrolytes during workouts?
a) I don’t pay much attention to it
b) I drink during workouts but don’t keep track of how much
c) I maintain good hydration (20-30oz per hour) and sometimes use electrolytes
d) I carefully balance hydration(20-30oz per hour) and electrolytes (250-350mg per hour) based on environmental conditions
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